An act of Kindness…

There was a lot of people in the store. Of course, that was no surprise it was only two weeks until Christmas. Even so, it was more crowded than I would have expected. Getting to the department where I needed to be was going to be a chore. As I pushed my way through the oncoming mass of bodies, I was glad I had fortified myself with a few whiskey and cokes in the bar down the street before heading into the mall. Facing this sober was not something I was ready to do.

I had put off shopping for Christmas as long as possible. I was a real guy when it came to spending time in stores. I normally was in and out in minutes but that was not going to happen today and that was distracting. My eyes were on a store directory as I headed toward the escalator and I did not see the woman come at me overloaded with packages. She evidently did not see me either and as we collided parcels and packages scattered into the ever-moving crowd, some being trampled underfoot.

Not realizing what had happened and some what befuddled by the alcohol I had consumed, I reacted in a way that made matters worse. I lost my balance and ended up sprawled on the floor surrounded by her stuff and in danger of being trampled myself. As I fell I heard a woman’s voice shriek obscenities followed by, “Look what you have done! My packages!” More obscenities. My only thought was with a mouth like that she must be a trucker or maybe an Ironworker. And as I righted myself I came face to face with her and she looked at mad as she sounded.

She pushed me away still cursing and reeled into the milling crowd trying to recover her ever spreading packages. I made an effort to do the same but soon stopped as I heard the woman say, “Stay away from my things! This is all your fault! My Christmas is ruined and this is all your fault!” With this I turned and moving as quickly as I could headed for the nearest exit. I don’t know how I made it out without causing more problems but when the cold air finally hit me, I breathed it in and wanted just to run. I was embarrassed, confused and could only think how badly I needed a drink. Where was that bar? Regaining my bearings, I knew my car must be parked on the other side of the mall and I had two choices one was to walk bar through the store or walk all the way around in the bitter cold. I chose the cold.

With my head down, I found that I was crying. “What the heck is going on?” I thought. But I could not stop myself. Stopping in the middle of the sidewalk of this busy mall I stood sobbing. Absorbed and oblivious I did not notice a young man had stopped close to me until I heard his soft voice kindly ask, “Sir, …. Sir, is there something I can do for you? Do you need help? Sir….??” Looking up through the continuing tears my embarrassment was now complete, I wanted to turn and run but for some reason I just couldn’t, so I said with all the bravado I could muster, “No…no, I am fine. It has just been one of those days.” Trying to make light of it I continued, “Five or six stiff drinks and the world will be a great place to be once again.” The young man with even more concern put his hand on my arm and said something that normally I would have recoiled from but at this moment it seemed to bring comfort. He said, “Sir, can I pray for you?” Amazingly I said yes. And right there on a busy sidewalk over 40 years ago, I was rescued by prayer.

The world has changed a lot since that Christmas season so long ago. I have been transformed by many prayers of others since that day. But that day with that young man was special and so needed. I cannot remember the words he said. But I do remember that unlike so many times that I had rejected and scoffed at such outreaches, this time I felt a peace and comfort. And I left that encounter blessed, even though I did not know it.

So, what does it all mean? Did I leave there transformed? No, I went back to my reality almost immediately. So why was that encounter important? I think the simple answer is and was that we serve a God who loves us so much that he even reaches out to those far from Him to comfort and bring peace. And if we who know this are willing and have a holy boldness, like that young man, we can be the instrument He uses.

At this time of the year so many are struggling with the issues the Christmas season brings. It is a time when we can reach out to others in ways that will maybe lessen the stress and strain. A simple word or gesture. Or a prayer. Like the apostle Paul tells us, “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but to the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:4) It is what I am seeking to do over these next weeks and into the new year.

I never saw that young man again. Sometimes I think he might have been an angel. But no, I think he was just a man who saw another in need and like Jesus he loved in a way that brought the joy the Savior brings. I don’t know what would have happened if he had not, but I am sure of what happened because he did. I did not drink myself into a stupor that night. For one night I was free and the memory of it still blesses me today. May I do that for another and I pray you will too.
Blessings and Happy Sabbath,

Author: John

Christian blogger