Am I my brothers keeper?

“Where are ya headed?” I asked the young man who had just climbed into the front seat of my old pick-up truck. He shook his head for a moment like he had to think about it, then said, “I am trying to get to Denver but wherever you are heading as long as it is west will do.” I nodded and said, “Ok, I can take you as far as Wendover, Nevada. I am working there. I am sure you can pick up a ride from there.” It was his turn to nod, but he said nothing. That was ok with me.

I usually did not pick up hitch-hikers but for some reason I had stopped along I-80 to give this guy a lift. Maybe it was because he was out in the middle of nowhere and that bothered me or maybe I just felt generous that day. I chuckled a bit at that thought and that seemed to bring him around.

Turning to look at me, he said, “Life has been pretty bad lately. I was just thrown out by my girlfriend and she has kept all our stuff.” He then referred to her with a nasty word and fell silent again. I really had nothing to respond to what he had said so we drove for another 20 miles in silence.

I was getting dry and, so I pulled a bottle of whiskey out from under my seat and took a pull off it. Once I was done, I offered it to him. He shook his head and waved his hand as if to ward off what I was offering. “No, no man. I never touch the stuff anymore. That is how I got in trouble in the first place.” I nodded an ok and said, “That’s good, leaves more for me.” And I took another pull.

I could see he was staring at the bottle with longing eyes and I could almost see his mouth watering. I knew I should put the bottle away and not tease or tempt this guy. But I thought, “It’s his tough luck. If he can’t drink, that ain’t my problem.” So, I kept the bottle out and placed it between my legs as I drove the arrow straight highway toward Nevada.

All at once he grabbed at the bottle and with shaking hands yanked it from between my legs, almost knocking my hands off the steering wheel. Once he had it, the cap flew off as he took three big gulps. I could see his eyes water as the booze hit the back of his throat and burn its way down. Finally, I said, “Are you happy now!” Almost crying he said, “Man, that was cruel. You saw how much I wanted that and you just left it there to drive me crazy!” I replied, “Listen, dude, you’re in my truck, in my world. “I ain’t your keeper. Get a grip and give me back my bottle.” He was crying now as he took another long pull, mumbling to himself, “Cruel, man cruel….”

Am I my brothers keeper? I think that this is the center of most of the debate that goes on in the world today. How do we as a people and as individuals relate to those around us. It seems like in our society and world the people we see as ‘brothers’ are the ones most like ourselves. I know most of my life I saw no need to treat anyone like a brother or a sister. I really had accepted the idea that it should be the survival of the fittest. And when you believe that, there can be no brother, sister, friend or even family.

But there is another way of living that was taught by the man who said this, “For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and give His life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:28) This way of life turns that evolution theory on its head because the man who said this was more than a man, he was the Son of God.

So, think about it God says, “I came here to become your servant and to die to save you.” And if you truly believed this and started living like the Son of God, Jesus, how would that affect the way you treat your brothers or sisters? How could it change you and change me?

For my part, I have found an answer to that when I accepted transformation and salvation through the cross of Jesus Christ. The thing is when you see life from the foot of the cross everything gets turned upside down. A favorite author of mine puts it this way “The transforming power of Christ’s grace molds the one who gives himself to God’s service. Imbued with the Spirit of the Redeemer, he is ready to take up the cross, ready to make any sacrifice for the Master. No longer can he be indifferent to the souls perishing around him. He is lifted above self-serving.” (Ellen G White, Testimonies to the Church, Vol. 7, Pg. 9) Through Christ and His sacrifice we are lifted above “me first”. Being our brother’s keeper becomes not just a good work we do on weekends but a way of life. No longer I living but Christ living in me. Do think this could change the world you live in?

Years ago, I had no care about being that young mans keeper. In my way of looking at life, he had his problems and I had mine. I let him off at a truck stop in Wendover, like I said I would. By that time, he saw so drunk he could barely walk and so sad he could only cry. I was glad to be rid of him. Today I am so sad thinking about that day. I do not know what happened to him, but I know I made his life worst. I can only pray he found his way and someone who had the love of Jesus helped him. If he reads this, as I do so often on these pages, I can only say I am sorry. My prayer today is that we will all find that being a keeper of others is not a burden, but the joy of sharing the love given freely by the grace of God. May we all share that free gift. What a world that would be!

Blessings John

Strength in weakness..

Sitting in traffic. “I am going to be late again!” Even though this time it was not my fault, I had messed up a couple of times before and I knew this was not going to be pretty. Looking out at the jammed-up traffic ahead of me, I banged my hands on the steering wheel and yelled, “Come on!” No one heard, no one cared. I was going to be late for my appointment with the IRS for the third time and was pretty sure, like baseball, three strikes and your out.

Over four months ago I was getting out of my car in front of my girlfriend’s house when two armed agents had accosted me. They had scared everyone when they appeared out of no where and sought to arrest me for tax evasion. More of my failed business and life in general catching up with me. I had been able to hold them off that day with promises to ‘stay around’ and bring my tax info in as soon as I could to their district office.

It had been over two years since my company had went in the tank and from what I could gather, our last quarterly tax assessment had not been paid. I tried to locate the guy who was responsible to get that done but no luck, he was not to be found. And the feds really didn’t care who’s was supposed to do what, my name was listed as president of the corporation and that meant I was holding the bag for nearly five grand in taxes and penalties of about half that. Problem was I didn’t have the money and they wanted it paid in full, yesterday.

Now as I sat in traffic, looking at my watch for the 100th time I knew if I got there late and still had nothing to offer, I could be wearing an orange jumpsuit before the night was over. Just when I thought I had my life turned around, I was right back in that black hole which sucked all the air out of everything, my past. And with nowhere to turn and no one to rely on I could feel every drop of hope run out. Heck with it I was screwed anyway, I might as well pull of the freeway and find a bar. Creeping toward the next exit I knew just the place.

I have heard it said, “When life deals you lemons, learn to make lemonade”. I was not good at that as an addict. My theme went more like, “Here today and gone tomorrow”. Literally, when life got too rough, or I messed things up, adios. Pack bags, hang out the “Gone Fishing” sign and disappear. I did it so many times that my own family had a hard time knowing where I was half the time. And for sure my son did not.

From one dive motel to another. I must have lived in fifty or more. Able to work but not able to live. And those times when I did surface because I so wanted to live a ‘normal’ life, something from my past would catch up and off I would go. My problem was I sought the wrong normal. The one based on the reality of this sinful world and it wasn’t until I learned a new reality, in fact the only real reality, that I could stop running and face the demons. The cool thing is in this reality you do not have to do it alone.

This reality is Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God. When I believed in Him my life changed. Oh man, I still had problems and they were hard to deal with. But I no longer wanted to run. I wanted to stand and know more about Him. I wanted the transforming power He promises, “And I am sure of this, that the one who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6) I knew I wanted Him to complete the work in me that had been started when I believed.

I always add a caveat in my story when it comes to transformation, because I want everyone to know that it was not instantaneous. In fact, it was so slow I never saw it happening and it is still happening to this day. But it is, and it will be if I am willing to surrender. Because that is the coolest thing of it all. As an addict I tried to be strong using alcohol and drugs to bolster me, I ended up being weak and running. But when I surrender to Christ, when I daily take up my cross and follow Him, in that surrender I am made strong.

Crazy huh, according to this world it is for sure. But the Apostle Paul said this, “Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you think you are wise by this world’s standards, you need to become a fool to be truly wise. For wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight…” (1 Corinthians 3:19) When I gained my strength through the cross of Christ I no longer had to trust the wisdom of this world and I was finally ready to stand. The “Gone Fishing” sign is in the trash and now the “Open for Business” sign is up and so am I.

I messed up with the IRS that day and did not show up. But as is the case with that group, I could run but could not hide. Eventually I had to pay but once I did, I went underground again. Today I live above ground, standing with the Savior, until the day I take my last breath, or He comes again. If life has you down and you cannot see a way out. He has a plan for you and you can believe it is going to be good. Stand with me today. In weakness He makes us strong.
Blessings John

Miracle on black ice…

“I am tired.” I whispered. It had been a long week and I was driving home in fog and black ice, as I always did this time of year. I cranked up the cassette player so that Tom T. Hall was blaring out lyrics to “Faster Horses”. But I really wasn’t paying any attention to the music, I was too exhausted to pay much attention. Reaching under the seat I pulled out a pint bottle of Black Velvet whiskey and unscrewed the cap. Holding the bottle up, I could see by the light of the moon that there were a few swallows left and I gulped them down.

“You must be crazy, son!” I said to myself wincing from the whiskey burn. “You haven’t slept in at least two days, your out of speed and you are still drinking! Whew, what are you thinking?” as I continued the one-way conversation. Truth was, I wasn’t thinking and that was the problem.

My mind started to wander as I tried to recall the last couple of days. A lot of it was a blur but what I could remember was a mix of partying and work, all of it under the influence of lots of booze and crank. One thing I hadn’t done was sleep and now I tried to concentrate on the road. No luck, I nodded off.

I was passed out, but I felt something like a hand nudge me. Then shake my shoulder. I came awake with a start, in time to see I was heading off the road and would soon be in the ditch. Pulling the steering wheel to the left I headed back into my lane but hit a patch of black ice. Soon the car was out of control, fish-tailing and there was nothing I could do. I should have panicked but it was if someone else was in the car with me. Sleep deprived and drunk, I stayed calm and took my foot off the gas. As the tires gripped dry road again, I was able to get it back under control.

“What just happened?” I asked myself. It sure felt like there had been someone in the car with me. But that couldn’t be true. As I looked at the passenger seat then in the rearview mirror, no one was there. Finally, I just shook my head and thought, “You were dreaming, nothing happened.” But the nagging feeling would not go away.

I now know that there have been many incidents in my life where supernatural things have occurred. Strange interventions into situations where my life was in danger or where I was involved in something that should have had terrible results. My life has been one full of miracles.

Yeah, I know there are a lot of you out there saying, “Another fanatic, who sees miracles in coincidences and luck.” And I can understand that, not that long ago I would have agreed with you, but I cannot do that anymore. I can state with all certainity that God intercedes in our lives in ways that I cannot explain but believe. And for me it comes down to something like what the ancient Christian apologist Augustine said, “I never have any difficulty believing in miracles, since I experienced the miracle of a change of my own heart.”

And the thing about believing in miracles is that it changes your whole perspective on life. Simple things that I took so for granted, the beauty of a flower, the amazing transformation of a butterfly and even more the birth of a child. All of them now strike me with awe. You see, life itself is a miracle and a gift from God.

I was reading a blog a few years ago by Tim Keller and he said this about the most famous miracles, the ones Jesus did as He walked among us, “Christ’s miracles were not the suspension of the natural order but the restoration of the natural order. They were a reminder of what was prior to the fall and a preview of what will eventually be a universal reality once again- a world of peace, justice, without death and disease or conflict.” Think about it! In God’s reality miracles are not supernatural, they are the most natural thing of all, they are His nature.

We are living in a corrupted sinful world and are so blinded by our own sinfulness that we cannot see that miracles are just God giving us a preview of what life will be like when this place is re-created and made new. We get a glimpse of a miracle every day in the world around us and every now and again, God intervenes in a special way in our life to remind us, a better world is coming, I am here, I love you. Don’t miss it when it happens!

Also, don’t forget to thank and praise Him because, “He is the one you praise, he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes. (Deuteronomy 10:21) Our God is an awesome God. Today I will see His miracles, believe, and wonder, knowing soon I get to live where miracles are no longer needed. We will be with our God, we will be home.

It was truly a miracle I survived that night. A friend in a car behind me saw as mine went out of control and was sure that I was a goner. We laughed about it and I soon forgot that feeling of something supernatural occurring in my life. I buried it under an ocean of booze and a mountain of meth. But I see it through clear mind and joyful heart today, His angel there next to me, poking me awake and steering me in the right direction. May you see His miracles all around you today and believe. Just sit for a moment, take a deep breath, and look out at nature. Or maybe your child. Or maybe just breathe, all are miracles, and all are His.

Blessings John

Anger and Guilt… at the foot of the cross

It had been another wet night. Nothing new in the coastal rain forest of Washington. My crew was stowing our gear in the gang box and I was heading into the office to give my report of the night’s work. When I got to the bottom of the stair tower, I heard someone call my name from above. Looking up into the dark drizzle, I could only make out a bulky figure three floors above me leaning over and yelling, “Hey, you better get back up here, we got a problem!” I shook my head and thought, “What now?” But I trudged back up the steps as quickly as I could.

When I got to the top of the tower, I could see it was Lenny and he looked worried. “John, we got trouble!” he paused, and I waited for him to go on. “Jamie just slugged one of the carpenter bosses and he is wanting to see our crew boss and that be you.” I sighed knowing this was not going to be good. “Where are they? I asked, but looking over his shoulder I could see a whole crowd of guys heading my way, with Jamie in the center of it. I also saw who he must have punched in front of the crowd, Lester Cone. This was going to be great. Lester and I already had I hate relationship going…. Oh boy!

As he drew closer I could see that his right eye was swelling, and he was walking kind of funny. I spoke first, “What’s going on Lester? I heard you wanted to see me.” He kind of sputtered and stuttered finally getting out, “This is your fault! You encourage these guys to think they can get away with anything. But not this time. I want that kid’s brass and I am going to ask that they run you off, too!” I really hated this guy and at the moment I did not care if he got me fired, I wasn’t going to listen to him. I said, “Lester, don’t threaten me! Go file a complaint but not against the kid. Just put my name on the form. I told him to hit you if you kept whining about our hogging the use of the crane for the last week and he did. It was my fault, you were right for once.” He looked at me through his one good eye and said, “So tough. So smug. But this is the end.” As he turned away his shoulder glanced off me and without thinking, I swung him around and punched him in his left eye. “There, now you have a matching set!” I said. Boy, was I right, this was not going to be good!

I got into a lot of fights during my years under the influence. Trouble seemed to follow me around. Or maybe it was the other way around, I was following it. But the sad truth is it really did not make any difference. I wasted a lot of time being angry and alcohol along with drugs just made it worse.

I know now that a lot of that anger came from guilt. Guilt about my son, about my life style and the people I messed over along the way. But I really had no way of dealing with the guilt. It was just there, and it gnawed at me. Result was anger and from that violence.

That was one of the truly amazing things that happened when I was being transformed through the Word of God. The guilt I felt did not go away at first. I carried it with me like extra baggage. I had found so many promises in the Word that opened me to letting go, but first I had to believe in the one who already died carrying that baggage. I had to put my faith in Jesus Christ.

Reading this, “Then Jesus said, “Come to me all of you who are weary and carry every burden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) I really wanted to trust that it was true, believe. But I did not. Then one of the many miracles of my life happened, I was looking at a Bible commentary for a completely different reason when I read this “There is nothing in faith that makes it our savior. Faith cannot remove our guilt. Christ is the power of God unto salvation to all them that believe. The justification comes through the merits of Jesus Christ. He paid the price for the sinner’s redemption. Yet it is only through faith in His blood that Jesus can justify the believer.” (SDA Bible Commentary Volume 6, pg. 1071.9) I saw it, my faith could not save me or take my guilt away. He had already done so, on the cross. It made sense and I found I could believe it. That was the Holy Spirit.

He opened the door. If I was now willing to confess I believed there would be forgiveness. I started to seek out promises in His Word. One of my favorites was and still is, “I will cleanse them from their iniquity by which they have sinned against Me, and I will pardon all their iniquities by which they have sinned against Me and by which they have transgressed against Me. (Jeremiah 33:8) Or Hebrews 8:12, “I will forgive their wickedness and I will never again remember their sins.” When I was able to lay my guilt at the foot of the cross, I found my anger was laid there too. God is good!

Back on that jobsite years ago, Lester tried to have me fired and he sought to have me arrested. Maybe that would have been a good thing. But neither thing happened. I continued to walk through life guilt ridden and angry for many years to come. I cannot say today, I do not regret many of my decisions, but I know that through the blood of Jesus I have been forgiven. I continue to seek way to recompense those I have hurt. If you are one, I am sorry. If you are seeking to lose your guilt baggage then know, “If we confess our sins. He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) To that I say Amen.

Blessings John