Fruit of the Spirit…Kindness

“What is your problem?” I cursed under my breath and continued, “I ordered eggs over easy and these are as hard as rocks!” The waitress looked at me with tired eyes and said, “Sorry, I can take them back, if you would like.” I shook my head and raised my voice to be heard over the late-night Denny’s crowd, “Forget it, just don’t charge me for them.” She shrugged. I waved her away.

It was two-thirty in the morning and my construction gang and I had been drinking since we were ‘rained out’ at around noon the day before. As we sat around the table, I just wanted to go home and get some sleep but was talked into breakfast. We would all need to be on the job in less than five hours. This was going to be a lousy day.

After we finished eating and were heading to our cars, one of my crew stopped me. I had seen for most of the night that he had wanted to talk to me and now as he approached, I was in no mood for a heart to heart.

Bill drew close and said, “Boss, I don’t think I am going to make it to work today.” I could feel anger raising in me but held it in, waiting as he continued, “Sherry is supposed to go to the doctor today and she asked if I could watch the kids. You know we have been arguing over custody already and I don’t want to give her any more ammo when we go to court.” Bill and Sherry were separated and had two toddler kids who were now staying with Sherry, Bill wanted shared custody. But now I did not care about any of this, all I could think about was that this guy had stayed out drinking all night and now wanted to leave me high and dry. I got into his face, “Listen to me, Bill, I do not care about what is going on with your wife or your kids, I want you onsite in four hours unless you want to be sitting the bench looking for another job.” That line was full of curse words I won’t write here, I was so angry. Bill lowered his head and mumbled, “If that is what you have to do then, I guess it is. But I am asking for a little understanding and maybe a little kindness on your part.” At that moment I had neither. As I turned to get into my truck, I yelled over my shoulder, “Be there or be fired!”

“Kindness is a virtue!” I heard that a lot from my mother as a kid. “Be kind to strangers!” was another. But as I grew up in a world where I saw very little kindness, I found myself not living by either of those mottos. Once alcohol and drugs took control over my life, I found little room for what I considered ‘soft-heartedness’ that was for whimps, not tough guys like me. I had number one to look out for….me.

Today, I look at the world and it seems most of us have come to this place, where kindness is not part of our everyday life. Yes, I see the random acts of kindness stuck on the end of the six o’clock news and the blurb on Facebook about the guy who saved five cats from drowning. But what I see most in the world are harried and angry people. Why is that?

As a follower of Jesus Christ, I find the answer might be simply we do not have enough of Him in us. The truth might be painful but I know in my life without Him through the Holy Spirit living in me I cannot have any of His fruits, including kindness.

Jesus in His lifetime exhibited all the fruits of the Spirit but I think His kindness stands out so amazingly, especially when we look at Him on the cross. Picture it, the Savior scourged and beaten spit upon, then brutally nailed to the cross. Yet what were His actions, His words through-out, let’s look.

To the world he said, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23: 34) To the thief who asked His mercy He said, “Today I say, you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23: 43) To an anguishing mother and most loved disciple He said, “Be hold your son, behold your mother.” (John 19: 27)

No random acts of kindness are these. No, these are the completion of a life so welled lived that every word written about His actions and words exude a kindness that not only changed the lives He touched then but continues to change every life He touched today.

But maybe you say, like I did years ago, “It was easy for Him, after all He was God, right?” I thought that until I read this from the book of Hebrews, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weakness, but we have one who has been temped in every way, just as we are- yet without sin.” (Hebrews 4: 15)

That means that I know there were times when the crowds were crushing him and seeking every want, the temptation was there to yell, “Leave me alone, I am tired, I need some ‘me’ time.” But Jesus didn’t, through the power of the spirit, his kindness never waned. The cool thing is we can have that power too, if we are willing to ask.

Jesus promise is here and available for you and me today, “And I will ask the Father and He will give you another advocate to help you and He will be with you forever, the Spirit of truth.” (John 14: 16-17a) Seek the Holy Spirit in prayer today. Ask Him when the urge comes to deal with other in unkind ways to give you the heart of Jesus. I know He will do it. He has done it in this old sinner’s life. He is waiting to do it in yours.

When I sped out of that parking lot at nearly three o’clock in the morning, every feeling of kindness was sapped out of my body by the addictions that controlled me. Bill came to work that day and we grew to be enemies, when one act of kindness on my part could have changed all that. I did not have Jesus living in me, no Holy Spirit to give me the fruits of life. I am blessed today to say I seek His living presence daily that I may show each person the kindness the Savior has shown to me. May you be as blessed, my friends!

Blessings John

Author: John

Christian blogger

One thought on “Fruit of the Spirit…Kindness”

  1. God is so good and so patient and so willing to change us and through the Spirit allow us to reflect His character. We are so blessed!

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