Happy New Year!

As the year 2018 begins I was reflecting on the many New Year’s Eve celebrations I attended. Most of them were either spent in a bar, casino or at a party where the center of the celebration was alive with glittery or garish hats and noise makers, also awash in alcohol. If I did not pass out before midnight we spent time either watching the ball drop in Time Square or did a countdown followed by a revelry of noise, drunken hugs, and many times bad versions of ‘Auld Lang Syne’. Not a lot of point to all of it except to find another good reason for a drunken party, at least in my case.

Last night was something different. Our church decided to have a social where we would get together, eat some good food, fellowship, and play games. But above that we should be to spend some time reflecting on the blessings of the year 2017 and look forward to the year 2018, knowing that amazing things are going to happen.

RuthAnn and I debated if we should go, both of us had some health issues giving us reason why we should not. Along with that, the weather was not going to be good. Temperatures near freezing and drizzle that did not make it conducive to be out and about. Home and hearth seemed so alluring. But we decided that spending time with church family outweighed the negatives and we plunged into prepping some treats we could share.

When we got to the church fellowship hall you could only have described  the turnout as disappointing but upon entering the feeling of warmth and joy filled the room so completely it did not matter if only a handful of people were there. It was the place to be for us.

I was reminded for the umpteenth time that it is not numbers that make the event. I so often lament when anything is not filled to overflowing. I was reminded also that Jesus never worried if he was speaking one on one or with the multitude of the 5000, His message was just as life changing no matter. In the case of a simple social gathering it also wasn’t the number of people that were there but the reason we had gathered, to share the love we have in Him.

I guess for some this would seem to be a boring way to send off the old year. There certainly were none of the usual New Year’s Eve party accoutrements. No hats or noise makers. No bottles of champagne. But there was good food and joyful conversation. And more than that, there was hope shared from the Word of God that gave the year coming a brightness that no glitzy party ever could.

The center of the verses shared to me was from the last book of the New Testament, Revelation and from the last chapter of it. It is short yet holds hope of all who believe, not only for the coming year but for eternity, “He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” ….” (Revelation 22:20a) Jesus is the one who testifies and His promise which gives me hope as 2018 begins is, He is coming soon!

As I listen to that verse on the last day of the old year sitting there with friends my celebration was complete. This New Year’s Eve I could go to bed before the ball dropped in Time Square and not miss a thing. I had heard everything I needed to make 2018 a year of anticipation and joy, ‘Jesus is coming soon!” I believe it and want to share it!

We few there went on to play a couple of hands of UNO and then went to our separate homes. It was a very different night compared with so many others I have spent awaiting the coming of the next year. But is was the most peaceful and joyful one.

So, on this first day of 2018 I am excited! Excited to be alive with my cancer still under control. Excited to be given a love to share with my wife RuthAnn. And mostly I am excited to be sharing the hope of Jesus soon coming on these pages with you all!

The last part of Revelations 22:20 says, “….Come, Lord Jesus!” To that I say, Amen!

Happy New Year and Blessings 1/1/18

Author: John

Christian blogger