Happy Birthday??

Happy Birthday! Why do we celebrate our birth day? As I am celebrating my 64th I could not help but turn to the source of all wisdom and knowledge, Goggle! Here is what I found.

It seems the Egyptians were the founder of the idea. Seeing they believed their pharaohs were gods, the day of their birth was celebrated. Along came the Greeks and they took it a step farther, adding the idea of a cake. Moon shaped cakes would be dressed in glittery splendor, maybe even with candles, and offered to the lunar goddess Artemis. The republicans of Rome brought the idea of common people celebrating their day. Well at least for men, women would have to wait until the 12th century. In the early Christian age, followers of Jesus did not celebrate birthdays, believing it to be a pagan tradition. But all of that changed in around the 4th century when the idea of celebrating Jesus birthday was accepted. The modern western celebration seems to have started in Germany with Kinderfeste. Here all the modern accoutrements seem to be in place. Cakes and candles. The final additions were added during the industrial revolution with the idea of mass production, even the working man or woman could afford a cake and candles. A final note, so to speak, is the song ‘Happy Birthday’. It started as a song called ‘Good Morning to All’, and it was sung by school children every morning. Written by Patty and Mildred Hill in 1893. It became so popular that in 1924 Robert Coleman published it in a songbook adding the lyrics we now sing. The original lyrics faded but the new ones are known by every English-speaking American, at least. And so, we come to the modern day. Please let me note that in China the tradition of celebrating a child’s birthday is far more ancient then the western, but I have only room for this brief history in my short blog.

So, what is the point of all this? That is a fair and good question. For me growing up and most of my adult life, my birthday was not celebrated as some do. As a youth being born so close to Christmas the day seemed to be absorbed into the season. I cannot recall a major birthday party. By the time I reached adulthood I found no good reason to celebrate. Most of the times I did, it would be in an alcoholic stupor. And when anyone who cared for me planned a normal party I would tend to ruin it by showing up drunk and stupid. I say none of this to gain sympathy or be a downer. There is an upside to this story.

Since my birthday in 2013 I have had a different feeling about it. You see in late 2012 I was baptized. To those of you who have experienced this you know it is a re-birth. When I came up out of the waters I knew my life had changed forever. Every event that I once took for granted or profaned now took a meaning that would involve Jesus. For the first time in my life I had a reason to celebrate being alive. Knowing the blessing that life is and wanting to thank God everyday for it.

So then on the day I commemorate my entry into this world, I should have an even more thankful heart for God and the Savior that brought me to this place. But also, I must see this day as a reminder that, “For you are just a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.” (James 4:14) Life is short and if I am blessed to live then I should spend each of those days doing something to bring others to the joy of knowing and accepting Jesus. I like what the apostle Peter says, “As each received a gift, use it to serve one another, as stewards of God’s varied grace.” (1 Peter4:10) To me birthdays are not about getting gifts but sharing the ones I have been blessed to receive by the grace of God.

Today, I am already assured that RuthAnn will pamper me. She is determined that I will have a happy day. But no matter how we celebrate, I know I will have a joyous heart. Look at the gifts I have already been given: a life free from the chains of addictions, health beyond what any cancer doctor had predicted 11 years ago, a second chance at love with a woman who not only walks besides me in that love but shares my growing faith knowing all we have is a gift from God, and the greatest gift of all, the Holy Spirit living in me even when I try to chase Him away! Should I not be more than happy on this birthday? You all know the answer to that!

Ok then. Happy Birthday. I can accept it with joy and hope. If I find some of the traditions silly and wonder at them; I can smile and know we are creatures of habit, every of the many candles that should be on my cake are just a small representation of the blessings I have received. Silly traditions, maybe, but today they mean much more because I am saved.

Blessings John

Author: John

Christian blogger