Valentine’s Day Thoughts

Valentine’s Day! Why do we celebrate love on February 14th? According to Wikipedia the Christian tradition of the day comes vaguely from St. Valentine of Rome. Martyrology (the study of martyrs) says that he was imprisoned for performing marriages for Roman soldiers who were not allowed to marry. Also ministering to Christians who were being persecuted under the Roman Empire. While in prison he is said to have cured the judge’s daughter who sentenced him to death by restoring her sight. Upon his execution he wrote her a letter signing it “Your Valentine”.

The romanticizing of the day seems to go back to the age of chivalry when courtly love flourished. Famous 14th century author, Geoffrey Chaucer, seemed to promote the day in his writings. We can blame the modern-day commercialization on 18th century Brits who expressed love for one another by presenting flowers, candy and greeting cards called ‘Valentines’ But leave it to the Americans to take it to the heights we see today. If you gave your loved one flowers or candy, you are contributing to the best commercial day for both industries. It almost seems that love cannot be expressed without the acuraments of this day. But is that true?

Don’t get me wrong. I am not a curmudgeon who is bah humbugging either this day or the symbols of love we use to express it to one another. My wife loves a good bouquet of flowers as much as anyone. My only problem is that we actually need a day to encapsulate it. Because if our love is based on God’s, imagine what would happen if He did the same!

What if God’s love was doled out as we do with human love. Maybe I am stretching things a bit but bear with me. Since I have accepted Jesus as my Savior my ideas of love have changed drastically. As an atheist, love was like all other emotions, I could give it or take it as I saw fit. My expression of it came from whatever I felt at any particular moment. But one day I read this Bible verse, “The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17) The idea of God delighting in me who had hated Him. Even more that He who I had cursed could rejoice over me with singing, God singing a love song to this sinner. The image has never left me and changed the way I viewed love.

I began to see God’s love is eternal it has no beginning and it has no end, “…because God is love.” (1 John 4:8b) And the thing is, that image of love God has for me a sinner, was enhanced in how far he was willing to go to show it to me, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) That kind of love, once you accept it is like Valentine’s Day every day. Not doled out in candygrams or flowers but in the blood of His son and our Savior, Jesus Christ! And it cannot help but change how you will share such great love with others.

So once again, I have absolutely nothing against a day that is dedicated to love. In fact, I am all for it, if it reminds us of what love should look like every day. If we accept the love of God, known as grace, in our life today and pass it on or share it with the love of your life and anyone else you come in contact with. Then what a difference this Valentine’s day would make!

Tonight, RuthAnn and I will swap cards. When we do I will remember how blessed I am that God allowed me to share my life with this Godly woman. But to tell you the truth, it won’t be much different than any other night. I feel that way every day. You see, I know our love is based on His and that make every day a “God’s Love” day! May your day be that too!

Blessings John

Author: John

Christian blogger