Revolution in Jesus

I have written before that I was really into rock and roll music as far back as I can remember. I was born right at the dawn of its popularity, so I guess you could say I grew up with it. Not that my father or mother wanted to hear it in our home. But one way or the other it permeated my early life.

Looking back or even when I hear some of those songs today, the one thing that strikes me is what a searching generation we all were. There was so much about the world that we were going to change. Some sought to do it through revolution and there were songs which spoke to that crowd. There were those who thought drugs were the answer and songs were written to lead us into that culture. Of course, there were those who believed love would conquer all. There were hundreds of tunes that proclaimed how that would occur. I listened to them all yet did not see the world around me changing in any good ways. I eventually concluded it was all hype. Disillusioned like so many kids of the 60’s I turned to drugs and disco by the late 70’s.

As the 80’s dawned I was totally lost in the party scene. It was the days of flowered shirts, gold chains and designer cocaine. The music now was all about how to please ourselves and to “…party like it was 1999” whatever that meant. I think most of us took it to mean we should party like there was no tomorrow, I was certainly into that. Over and over I heard songs saying, “its your thing, do what you wanna do” and it became my philosophy and sadly my religion. It was all about ‘me’. And I was not alone, it was so pervasive that time is still know today as the ‘Me Decade’.

The strange thing as the 90’s began I was longing for the days when I thought there could be change in my life and in the world around me. I became nostalgic and drug out the old albums hoping that the music could create some kind of magic. Of course, it didn’t, it just left me feeling empty and searching for what was missing. I now was melancholy and even drugs and alcohol could not revive my spirit. I asked myself, “What did I miss?” Approaching forty and the world was so much worse than the one I was born into.

It wasn’t until 2009 that I was able to see that the answers I was seeking really could not be found in the lyrics of a rock and roll song or in a line of speed or in another drink. The answers were not in revolution or in books or worldly love. All these things meant nothing unless they were founded and rooted in Jesus Christ. He is the one and only life changer. He is the one and only world changer too. When I could finally wrap my head around that I saw how truly revolutionary it really is.

In fact, when you study world history using a Biblical prospective, there has only been two revolutions since the creation of the world. The first occurred in the garden of Eden with the fall of mankind. The rise of Satan’s power over us. But as soon as it begins God promises us a second revolution will take place crushing Satan’s power, “I will put enmity between you and the woman. And between your seed and her seed. He shall crush your head and you will bruise his heel.” (Genesis 3:15) Jesus would fulfill those words. He would come bringing the revolution that not only ends Satan’s power but restores anyone who believes in Him.

For me, when I allowed Jesus to revolutionize my life then I finally began to understand how any of us can change the world and it is a lot simpler than I would have ever imagined. Just share what Jesus has done in my life and I can create change one person at a time or many. Not just to create a better world here and now but for eternity.

Jesus final message to His disciples was, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20) Those same followers of Jesus within less than fifty years after His death revolutionized the Roman empire. And we can do the same.

It is unfortunate that we did change the world with sex, drugs and rock and roll. But only to deepen Satan’s hold on this place. I guess I can say I was part of that revolution, but I can’t say I am proud of it. Today I want change in your life and I want it in mine, but if I am going to offer it to you in a song, it would go like this:

Amazing grace how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found.
Was blind but now I see.

Catchy tune don’t you think?

Blessings John,

Author: John

Christian blogger