May our words be guided by the Holy Spirit

Writing a blog three days a week can be a bit of a challenge, especially for a senior citizen who has senior moments. After a year and a half and over 250 blogs written, some days I feel like I have nothing left to say. Nothing left to share.

That is when I realize that it would be true if I did not rely on the Holy Spirit to enlighten me. He is the one who either opens me to a past I would most of the time rather forget or show me something that occurred in my life today as I creep along the path toward His light. It really is not about me or this blog it is about His Word and His Way. So why do I lead off by telling you all this? The answer is in the story I am about to share.

Some of you who know me well, know that it was my intention to pursue a career as a newspaper man. From a very early age, I liked to read, and I liked to tell and write stories. I think I was maybe eight when I wrote my first ‘novel’. I still remember it. My hero was a caveman and he fought battles with dinosaurs. Not an original story line but I knew nothing about plagiarism when I was eight.

My serious writing began when I was in high school. I would spend whatever free time I had writing short stories or poems. By the time I was in my last two years I had taken on the role of editor of our little school newsletter. It is here where this story begins.

Most of you know I attended a Catholic seminary throughout my high school years. It was not because I was a convicted believer, or did I often imagine myself as a priest, but I was aware enough to know the advantages of the education the school could provide. As I stated I became the editor of the news letter in my junior year. It was late in that school year I came across a story I wanted on the front page. But to say the least, there were issues.

Like all school papers, ours had a faculty advisor. He was a priest and for the most part a good man. But he and I butted heads often about the letter’s content. He seemed so ‘old world’ to me and I know now, I must have appeared a radical to him. The world of the late 60’s and early 1970’s was threatening to him but to me I saw it as freedom. I wanted our school letter to reflect this changing world and he did not. The article in question was very political and espoused ideas that from his point of view had no place in a school that was training young men to be priests. For certain it had no place on the front page of our school letter. Knowing his opinion and without his knowledge, I set the copy of that month’s issue and took it to the printer with my article on the front page.

We had no circulation. The letter rarely made it beyond the walls of the school, but I wanted people to read what I wrote so I had another hundred copies printed and was ready to circulate them to my family and friends. I had no thought of the consequences or recriminations, only my heady idea that what I had written should be seen. I needed to be heard.

I don’t know how many times in life I have plowed on, without thinking or caring about the effects of my actions or words. The wise book of Proverbs says this, “Wise speech is rarer and more valuable than gold or rubies.” (Proverbs 20:15) My problem even with a verse like this before I surrendered my life to Jesus was that I believed that ALL my words were wise. Most of the time without thought some of the cruelest words would escape my mouth before my brain was even in gear.

In today’s world of Twitter and instant messaging, words have become our weapons. We throw out vile and disgusting thoughts at our supposed opponents without care or thought. It has become easy to spread hate from our couches and not think a thing about it. From politicians to every day Joe’s we have lost all constraint.

What if all of us took these words from the brother of Jesus seriously, “Know this, my beloved brothers; let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” (James 1: 19-20) What if all of us allowed the Holy Spirit to do our talking, our writing and even our thinking. What would that look like? I know for me it would look like the one I want my life to reflect and His name is Jesus Christ.

Looking back, I was blessed that my news letter never saw the light of day. The man who did our printing had read the copy and knew I was trying to pull a fast one. To my advisor’s credit, he did not remove me as editor but did place demands on me that kept me from ever writing or publishing my thoughts in that letter again. Today I pray that the constraints of the Holy Spirit through prayer and study of His Word, will keep me from hindering anyone’s journey. That no words I will ever write here will come from my opinion but from His leading. Maybe we should examine our words and thoughts today. It could be like a touch of heaven.

Blessings John,

Author: John

Christian blogger