Knowing the depth of His Kindness

“Which is your favorite?” the young woman asked me. I was standing in front of a display of whiskey in a local liquor store. I had seen her in my peripheral vision but now turned to look at her. “Was she old enough to be in here?” I thought but said with mature bravado, “I normally drink Black Velvet, it is a good Canadian whiskey. But if you are looking for something more upscale try Crown Royal.”

At this a big smile spread across her face and as she turned to face me, she said, “I knew you were a man of wisdom as soon as I saw you.” Now all my cynical bones started to scream. Why was this young woman coming on to me? And with that I just nodded my head, grabbed a bottle of Black Velvet and headed to the checkout. I heard some tinkling of bottles and knew she had also grabbed something and was now rushing to keep up with me. What did she want?

As I stood in the check-out line I could feel her right behind me and this was confirmed when I heard her say, “Did I say something to hurt your feelings, I was just trying to be friendly and ask your advice. Why did you run off like that?” I half turned and said, “I got a place to be, it is nothing against you, but I just need to be somewhere.” With that I turned and the customer ahead of me was leaving the check-out. “Good”, I thought, “I can get away from this.” And as I placed my bottle on the counter I heard her ask quietly from behind me, “Listen, can you buy this for me, I am broke and if I do not come home with a bottle for my old man, he will kill me.” Without speaking I signaled her to put her bottle on the counter and as the clerk rang both of them up, I was feeling relieve, it is worth the money to get rid of this girl. Passing him a twenty he gave me back my meager change and I told him to bag each bottle separate, I was out of there!

As I headed to my pick-up I could feel her close on my heels, swinging around, I said, “What do you want? I bought you the booze you needed, I told you I have a place I need to be. What more can I do for you?” As my voice raised I could see her cringe in fear, like I was going to hit her or something. Then she began to cry. Through the tears she said, “I am sorry, mister, I know you are busy but when I saw you in the liquor store I knew you would be someone I could trust, I don’t know why but I just did. I don’t want to impose on you anymore, but can I just ask for a ride, you can drop me off a block from my house. Tom is in an angry mood. I had to hitch my way here and find someway to buy his booze but if I don’t get it back to him soon…..” Her voice trailed off. I looked up to the sky and thought, “Why me, I was just minding my own business…. Why me?” Letting out a breath, I told her to hop in the truck and I would be sure she made it home. As she got in she said, “The reason I knew I could trust you is that you remind me of my dad.” I thought, “Great now I look like young girl’s dads, isn’t life swell?” We headed north on the highway.

Moments of kindness. Even when I was not walking with the Lord, He seemed to open my cynical heart to be kind when one of His children needed it. I can guarantee that I did not think of it in those terms back then. But the truth is that God can use a rusty tool as well as a shiny one and often does. I can see now that God did use me many times to help someone but once I understood why, it made a difference in how I approached acts of kindness.

The Apostle Paul said this, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ has also forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32) I know today that my acts of kindness are really Christ’s love for me that come not because of what I do, but what he does through me. Nothing I can do will compare with God on the cross. No kindness, no forgiveness come from me, just through me. It truly comes down to this, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20) His kindness has become mine. Is that cool or what?

I drove Becky home or within a block or so from her house and we parked on a tree lined street in a run-down part of town. She sat with her head down and then turned to me with a sad smile, “Thanks, John. I got to get going, Tom will be in a state.” As she said this I knew I should have done something else, but I told myself I had done enough, “Don’t get involved!” As she closed the door on the pick-up I nodded to her and pulled away. Looking in my mirror I could see she was rushing toward a grey house with tall grass in the front yard.

I still think about her and wish I had been more courageous and I have wondered if she ever escaped from Tom. I prayed today for all the Becky’s of the world. And I also pray I will be open to any act of kindness the Lord puts in my path today. May you and I be open to show His love to one another.

Blessings John,

Author: John

Christian blogger