Isolation or Isolated…

Isolation or Isolated? It is a question that is bothering me this morning. Earlier I was at Houston Medical Center, in Warner Robins, Georgia. I have an outpatient procedure later this week and needed to go in for pre-op testing and instructions. Going to a hospital these days is a scary process. The thought comes, is not this hospital the center of Covid-19 treatment and where most of the patients with the disease in our county would be lodged?

So, of course, before entering I donned my mask and cleaned my hands thoroughly with anti-bacterial wipes. A station was set up outside the door and a nurse immediately took my temperature and asked if I had any symptoms. Once I was registered and was taken back for blood tests and an ekg, the nurse administrating these asked the question that got me thinking, “How are you handling the isolation?” I guess I never thought I would hear that question. I responded that my wife and myself were doing ok and that I had many things to keep me busy. We small talked some more and I was blessed to share with her about this blog and my faith, but as I left, I really had the feeling the world as we know it has changed forever.

I am sure if I talked to anyone of you, you too could share a story that was similar to this. People now masked and a safe six feet apart, talking about isolation. I mean, look at any social media platform. People are posting the crazy things they are doing to keep, well, from going crazy! RuthAnn and I laughed at a Facebook posting by someone who had spent time creating ‘Collie-flower’ and ‘Broc-collie’ dogs. Like this some posts are funny and engaging. Many posts are people trying to inspire or share their faith. And as the ‘stay at home’ orders continue to be extended many seem to be either resisting or resigning that this we as a nation and even globally will become more and more isolated. So, I guess it came to me, that I needed to decide what kind of person I should be in this new world order, in isolation or isolated.

Maybe to you, there is very little difference. But I see that there is a decision we have to make. Here is how I see it. First, isolation is a self-imposed social order in which we respect others health and ability to live the best we can in this Pandemic world. We all have a responsibility to live responsibly taking all the precautions we can to not continue the transmission of this deadly disease. Hence, staying at home as much as possible and following social distancing when out and about. But I see being isolated as a different animal, instead of living life to the fullest as we can in this strange time, we become so fearful that we begin to withdraw from life little by little until we shrink into the safety of no human contact at all. It is easy to do in this world of ours. We can shop from home even for groceries. We can visit with others using phone, facetime or zoom. Even our church services have become remote and distant. We certainly can find ourselves safe and hidden. But should we?

Again, I am not suggesting here that we should take unsafe steps to ourselves or others. But I am asking should we who have the ability and the health to be about our Father’s business should be taking every opportunity to do just that. The problem becomes how can we do this in our world today?

I think the answer to that is different for each person. But I do think that God’s Word gives us information and encouragement in several places, here are a few that come to mind:

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4: 10-11

“Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” Luke 6:38

So, if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, … Philippians 2: 1-11

Do you see what is in common in each of these? Each tells us that we need to have a complete connection with God. In these terrible days if we are going to be in isolation but not isolated, we need to be in prayer, and even more be able to listen. The Lord has work for us to do and he will show it to each of us. So, don’t shrink back but keep moving forward. And also remember there are those who are being isolated through no fault of their own. The poor, the sick and the elderly now trapped in worlds not of their own creation. We need to be ready for God’s answer on how to be of service to these the least of our brethren.

So, let us seek God today, our freedom, even in isolation, is complete! Be safe!





Author: John

Christian blogger

2 thoughts on “Isolation or Isolated…”

  1. This morning in doing my Bible Study, there was a part in the study that said, ” God knows even the tiniest sprout of love from His seed within us. While the absence of impressive fruit may trouble our hearts, we may take comfort from the fact that God sees our smallest beginnings and judges more accurately than we do”. The “absence of impressive fruit” is how I feel about myself as a Christian sometimes. I know so many Christians that have impressive fruit that you can see, but mine seems insignificant.
    While sitting on my couch praying and pondering, I saw my neighbors coming out from their house. The husband was helping his wife to the car. It was obvious that she was not well. As they drove away, I prayed for them. The right thing is to ask them if they need any help, but most people just respond that they are fine. However, there are some people who don’t ask, but see a need and do a kind gesture. Kind gestures are tangible love, and it leaves an impact.
    I asked the Lord, what can I do for them? I feel like I don’t know what to give. Then the Lord reminded me that I have an abundance of lemons and artichokes in my garden. I also have some beautiful flowers. After cleaning the lemons & artichokes, I put them in a basket, draped the flowers over the top, and stuck a note in the basket to let them know that my husband and I are praying for them… and are able to help with any need. I donned my gloves and ran the basket of ‘love’ across the street and placed it by their front door. As I walked home, I thanked the Lord that He opened my eyes and gave me the opportunity to give something – albeit small – to show His love.

    Thanks for your blogs – they always move my heart.

    1. Jennifer there is no small acts of love only small feelings of insecurity within ourselves. I think your loving action was so cool! Your heart is open to God’s leading and that is what is important. Stay safe but continue to seek ways of serving others, God will show you! Blessing and thanks again for sharing!

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