Thoughts and blessings from inside an MRI machine..

Today I had intended to continue the series of blogs centered on the Gospel of Matthew 5: 1-12, often referred to as the Beatitudes, that is before I spent three and half hours in an MRI machine this morning. You see, I was born with a birthmark, a hemangioma, on my left arm. It was supposed to be gone before I reached puberty. No such luck. Over the years, as an Ironworker, it gave me fits trying to protect from sun and cuts. But over the last seven years or so, something has caused it grow and expand. The MRI was ordered to help see what is going on. But that is not the story.

The story today centers around how God can give us blessings in the wackiest of ways and times. Saying something like that might offend some of you, but in my life, God has blessed me in times when I have felt the farthest from Him. Today was one of those days.

Have you ever had an MRI? If so, I don’t have to describe it to you. But if not, well let me see if I can paint a picture of the experience. Being in the machine itself is like being in an extremely noisy casket. Laid down a table you are rolled into a cylinder that resembles a big donut. Flat on your back (at least in my case) your nose is inches from the inside face of the cylinder. No movement allowed, as the machine starts to make staccato whirling noises. Sometimes resembling a jack hammer. Others a Buck Rodgers ray gun (sorry for the old guy sci-fi reference) and more. Always so loud earplugs are required. Because the MRI process is so slow and my arm so long, I needed to do four sessions. Upper and lower arm without and with contrast. It was truly unnerving experience. And on top of it all having a weak bladder due to prostate cancer, led to a time when you would think any blessed thoughts would be far from my mind. But that was not the case.

Although it did start out that way. I was irritated that this was going to take so long. I thought, “Somebody should have clued me in on this!” I did not have a pleasant thought anywhere to be found. But about half way through the first session the Holy Spirit nudged me, trying to show me what a blessing this could be. If I just didn’t waste the time on negative thoughts and allowed Him to fill my mind with thoughts that come from contemplating on the awesomeness of our God and Savior. So, I want to share some of those thoughts today, maybe they will bless you as they did me.

One of the first things I was led to think about is just how unbelievable my life has been. A guy who spent most of his kid hood and adult life wasting and wasted. From child abandonment to dealing drugs to children. I have laid a path of ruin wide and long. Yet I now know, “. God demonstrates his love for us that while we were still sinners He died for us. (Romans 5:8) He did that for me. The love involved in that whirled in my mind as the MRI whirled around me. Sometimes I still can’t believe it. But I know it is true.

This led me to contemplate Jesus. Here I was feeling this pain in my arm, holding it still for hours. How could I compare such minor stuff with the King of the Universe, spat upon and beaten, hanging on a cross with that load of sin I laid upon him, “. He was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His wounds we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5) I whispered, “Thank you, Jesus!”

Then I looked at my life now. Over the last year, I have been blessed to marry a woman who shows me what God intended for us, a marriage where two are one in Him. I have been ordained an elder in the Seventh Day Adventist church. Allowed to share my testimony and the Word of God in churches in both Georgia and Oregon. And share three times a week, in these blog pages, what God has done to save this man who neither deserved it nor is worthy of it, but humbly thanks Him because it is freely given. It is called grace and I am assured, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this is not from yourselves, it is a gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9) I didn’t do a thing to deserve it or earn it. I just accepted Jesus as my Savior. Whispered: “Thank you, Jesus!”

I had other random thoughts of blessings I have seen around me even in a world that is sinking in sin. People who inspire me. In my church, putting all their hope and faith in Jesus. Even though some are suffering, they know He will return soon. I heard part of a song being sung, the lyrics, “We have this hope that burns within our hearts, Hope in the coming of the Lord. We have this faith that Christ alone imparts, Faith in the promise of His Word…” I was in my third hour in the whirling, noise bound machine. My arm and body were aching, but my heart was soaring. Can you believe it?

After I was done. The young tech who operated the machine with skill and an understanding nature was leading me out the door. I handed him one of my cards with my blog address and asked him to visit my site to learn some of my thoughts as I endured the time we spent together. I pray that he and you are blessed to know our God can take the tedious tasks and odious experiences and turn them into blessing. He did that for me today. Out loud: “THANK YOU, JESUS!”

Blessings from inside the MRI machine- John

Author: John

Christian blogger