Blessed are the Meek…

He sat alone in the lunch room of the dry shack, as usual. As I looked up I noticed he was reading again. “Why can’t he be like the rest of us?” I thought, shaking my head. Always so unassuming and calm. How did he do it?

Joel had come to work over a month ago and had been assigned to my crew. At first, he rarely talked but went about his work with enough skill that I had no complaints. Then I began to hear from other crew members that he had expressed some displeasure with the language we all used, especially me.

I had confronted him and asked, “I hear you have a problem with the way this crew is run, is that true?” He replied calmly, “No not at all, you are a good boss. I just do not see the need for taking the Lord’s name in vain as you do.” He looked me in the eye and did not turn away. I could see some power of conviction and was amazed that there was no anger or malice in his look. “Another Christian.” I mumbled. As he heard this a slight smile crept across his face and he said softly, “I am a follower of Jesus Christ and in that ask that you just think before you use His name as you do.” He put his hand on my shoulder briefly and smiled broader, then said, “Thanks John.” I felt anger boiling up in me, but his calm demeanor deflated me, and I just shook my head in agreement. Unbelievably, I said, “Ok, Joel, I will try.

Now as I stared at him reading, what I assumed was the Bible, I was conflicted. Most of my career as an Ironworker, I had to stand toe to toe with some tough characters. Most of them wanted to test my metal, see if I had what it took to run a crew or would be willing to slug it out if that is what it took. I could deal with that. I also had some loud mouth ‘Christians’ who had worked for me that wanted to spend the whole day preaching and driving people crazy. Even that I had put up with. But Joel was different. His quiet strength and, I guess humility, unnerved me. I grudgedly respected the guy, a rare thing for me. And as I ate my lunch, I thought, “If all Christians were like this guy, well maybe I could see something in it… what makes him so different?”

Living a Christ like life. What does that look like? I think that almost everything can be summed up in one word, meekness. Some of you might be thinking, this guy doesn’t know what he is talking about! But wait, let’s look at some of the synonyms for meek or meekness: forbearing, gentle, humble, longsuffering and patient. When you think of Jesus do not every one of those words come to mind. Jesus was the model of meekness and if we are going to be like him we must find that our lives are filled with these same qualities.

“Blessed are the meek, they shall inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5) I think a lot of times we want to skip over this promise from the sermon on the mount. Meekness seems like weakness according to how the world would define it. But to tell you the truth, I see it as just the opposite and I am not alone. Here is what my favorite author says,” By meekness under trial, no less than by boldness in enterprise, souls may be won to Christ. The Christian who manifests patience and cheerfulness under bereavement and suffering who meets even death itself with peace and calmness of an unwavering faith, may accomplish for the gospel more than he could have effected by a long life of faithful labor.” (The Acts of the Apostles, pg. 465.1, Ellen White) When we live like Christ we will be bold in humility. And powerful in our peacefulness. Think how that could change the lives around you.

When I look around this world we live in, I see that the one thing missing on all sides is the power of patience. No side of any dispute is willing to acquiesce. Did you know that acquiescence is another synonym for meekness? The Apostle Paul says this about meekness or acquiescence in our encounters where we may become embroiled: “Remind them to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to malign no one, to be peaceful, gentle, showing every consideration for all men.” (Titus 3:1-2) Can you ever see Jesus in the middle of all this infighting and hatred that is taking place in our government, our jobs and even in our homes? Not if we believe what He said of Himself as he reaches out to all that are willing, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:29) His meekness was His strength until death on the cross. It can be our inheritance too and it can bring about true renewal to this earth, the soon return of Jesus. Think about it, just living as He did came hasten His return, I am sure of it.

Often when I think about meekness, Joel comes to mind. He continued to work for me for another 6 months. And during that time, I found myself striving to be a better person around him. I was still stuck in my addictions and could not believe in the gospel. But he never wavered in his quiet example of, what I now know, was Christ living in him. Meekness with strength of convictions, it was and is a powerful combination. Today, I strive to find the power of it in my day to day walk. I seek this for you also. Whereas we once found power in our own strength, this day I ask we seek it in the gentleness of the Jesus. Thanks Joel, you inspire me!

Blessing John


Author: John

Christian blogger

One thought on “Blessed are the Meek…”

  1. Well said. If only this attitude was taught at an early age. We all need the gifts of the Spirit.

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