Fruit of the Spirit…Goodness

“Do-gooders, I am surrounded by do-gooders!” I barked slamming the receiver down. The call had been from one of the local churches ‘letting me know’ that they were taking up a collection for their charities and just knew I would want to contribute. I informed them that they might think they were doing a good thing but leave me out of it.

As I stared at the phone, I thought, “Why do people think they have the right to ask you to be part of their do-gooder campaigns, I don’t go to their church and I do not believe in their God. I am really tired of it all.

Lately, my partner was on me about attending his church with him. His big appeal to me was that ‘they do good works’. I had told him that I do all the good works that I need all by myself. After all I had just given money to St Jude’s and always supported things like the local food bank, at least once a year. I said, as I ushered him to the door, “You people just don’t get it. I don’t need God to do good things for others. I don’t need God at all.”

The facts were, our business was about to go in the tank and I really didn’t have time to be worrying about other people. If anyone needed charity right now it would be me. I grinned as I thought, “Yeah, what I need right now is a do-gooder campaign to help me out of this mess.” But I slumped back in my chair and filled my glass from the half-empty whiskey bottle on my desk. Nothing good was going to be happening to me any time soon.

Since I became a Christian I have often been greeted with, “God is good, all the time.” Which I learned to reply, “All the time, God is good.” But like with many saying that involve the word ‘good’ I let the meaning of it follow the same path as, “Life is good”, “All is well and good”, and my all-time favorite, “Have a good day”. On and on they go. I could fill today’s blog with just ‘good’ sayings. But that is just the thing, when it comes to God being good and His goodness, it is no longer just a saying, it is the truth and should take on a life changing meaning. In fact, when we understand what God’s goodness is as shown in Jesus Christ, we can also find where our own real good and goodness are found.

In one of my favorite Gospel stories Jesus tells us through an encounter with a rich young man how all of us can partake in God’s goodness. Maybe you know the story. A young man came to Jesus and asked, “Good Teacher, what must I do to attain eternal life? And Jesus said to him “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.” (Mark 10:17-18) Jesus responds in this way not denying that He himself is good or is He angry that the he had been addressed as good. But to lead the young man to the true meaning of goodness and how he could attain it. Because right after this He says, “You know the commandments, ‘Do not murder. Do not commit adultery. Do not steal. Do not bear false witness. Do not defraud. Honor your father and mother.’” (Mark 10:19) The young man is stoked, and he says, “Teacher, all of these I have kept from my youth.” (Mark 10:20) He is sure he has it made, he knows he has been good. But Jesus wants him to go to the next level where God’s goodness can be found, “And Jesus looking at him, loved him and said to him, “You lack one thing; go, sell all that you have and give it to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven, and come, follow me.’ Disheartened by the saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.” (Mark 10:21-22)

Does that mean we can only attain the goodness that comes from God if we give everything away and then follow Jesus? No but is does mean if we think we can ‘be good’ by just living a good life we are wrong. Jesus is trying to tell this young man and through him us, that goodness comes when we are willing to surrender all to God and let Him fill us with His righteousness and yes, goodness.

In the book of James, we read this, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” (James 1:17) In the previous verse, James urges his readers not to be deceived. Being sinful, it is easy for us to believe that we create good. But the truth is every good thing in our life is a gift from God. In the midst of trials, we are tempted not to believe this but when we look at all things through the cross we know that is has to be true. God is truly good because He is truly love and nothing evil exists where there is love.

When I realized this. When I was able to admit I did need a Savior and that only when I was willing to surrender all my junk to Him would I be able to find real goodness filling me through the Holy Spirit. Goodness that makes me want to laugh out loud. Also allows me to let the Holy Spirit work through me to serve others. Now that is what I call good stuff!

I have to smile and be a bit embarrassed thinking of my anger at ‘do-gooders’. I have asked forgiveness also. My only excuse is that without the His goodness in my life I see now how bitter I was. You cannot believe how blessed I am today and I want to end this saying, “God is good, all the time!” And I pray you can answer with a heart full, “All the time, God is good!”

Blessings John


Fruit of the Spirit…Kindness

“What is your problem?” I cursed under my breath and continued, “I ordered eggs over easy and these are as hard as rocks!” The waitress looked at me with tired eyes and said, “Sorry, I can take them back, if you would like.” I shook my head and raised my voice to be heard over the late-night Denny’s crowd, “Forget it, just don’t charge me for them.” She shrugged. I waved her away.

It was two-thirty in the morning and my construction gang and I had been drinking since we were ‘rained out’ at around noon the day before. As we sat around the table, I just wanted to go home and get some sleep but was talked into breakfast. We would all need to be on the job in less than five hours. This was going to be a lousy day.

After we finished eating and were heading to our cars, one of my crew stopped me. I had seen for most of the night that he had wanted to talk to me and now as he approached, I was in no mood for a heart to heart.

Bill drew close and said, “Boss, I don’t think I am going to make it to work today.” I could feel anger raising in me but held it in, waiting as he continued, “Sherry is supposed to go to the doctor today and she asked if I could watch the kids. You know we have been arguing over custody already and I don’t want to give her any more ammo when we go to court.” Bill and Sherry were separated and had two toddler kids who were now staying with Sherry, Bill wanted shared custody. But now I did not care about any of this, all I could think about was that this guy had stayed out drinking all night and now wanted to leave me high and dry. I got into his face, “Listen to me, Bill, I do not care about what is going on with your wife or your kids, I want you onsite in four hours unless you want to be sitting the bench looking for another job.” That line was full of curse words I won’t write here, I was so angry. Bill lowered his head and mumbled, “If that is what you have to do then, I guess it is. But I am asking for a little understanding and maybe a little kindness on your part.” At that moment I had neither. As I turned to get into my truck, I yelled over my shoulder, “Be there or be fired!”

“Kindness is a virtue!” I heard that a lot from my mother as a kid. “Be kind to strangers!” was another. But as I grew up in a world where I saw very little kindness, I found myself not living by either of those mottos. Once alcohol and drugs took control over my life, I found little room for what I considered ‘soft-heartedness’ that was for whimps, not tough guys like me. I had number one to look out for….me.

Today, I look at the world and it seems most of us have come to this place, where kindness is not part of our everyday life. Yes, I see the random acts of kindness stuck on the end of the six o’clock news and the blurb on Facebook about the guy who saved five cats from drowning. But what I see most in the world are harried and angry people. Why is that?

As a follower of Jesus Christ, I find the answer might be simply we do not have enough of Him in us. The truth might be painful but I know in my life without Him through the Holy Spirit living in me I cannot have any of His fruits, including kindness.

Jesus in His lifetime exhibited all the fruits of the Spirit but I think His kindness stands out so amazingly, especially when we look at Him on the cross. Picture it, the Savior scourged and beaten spit upon, then brutally nailed to the cross. Yet what were His actions, His words through-out, let’s look.

To the world he said, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23: 34) To the thief who asked His mercy He said, “Today I say, you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23: 43) To an anguishing mother and most loved disciple He said, “Be hold your son, behold your mother.” (John 19: 27)

No random acts of kindness are these. No, these are the completion of a life so welled lived that every word written about His actions and words exude a kindness that not only changed the lives He touched then but continues to change every life He touched today.

But maybe you say, like I did years ago, “It was easy for Him, after all He was God, right?” I thought that until I read this from the book of Hebrews, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weakness, but we have one who has been temped in every way, just as we are- yet without sin.” (Hebrews 4: 15)

That means that I know there were times when the crowds were crushing him and seeking every want, the temptation was there to yell, “Leave me alone, I am tired, I need some ‘me’ time.” But Jesus didn’t, through the power of the spirit, his kindness never waned. The cool thing is we can have that power too, if we are willing to ask.

Jesus promise is here and available for you and me today, “And I will ask the Father and He will give you another advocate to help you and He will be with you forever, the Spirit of truth.” (John 14: 16-17a) Seek the Holy Spirit in prayer today. Ask Him when the urge comes to deal with other in unkind ways to give you the heart of Jesus. I know He will do it. He has done it in this old sinner’s life. He is waiting to do it in yours.

When I sped out of that parking lot at nearly three o’clock in the morning, every feeling of kindness was sapped out of my body by the addictions that controlled me. Bill came to work that day and we grew to be enemies, when one act of kindness on my part could have changed all that. I did not have Jesus living in me, no Holy Spirit to give me the fruits of life. I am blessed today to say I seek His living presence daily that I may show each person the kindness the Savior has shown to me. May you be as blessed, my friends!

Blessings John

The Fruit of the Spirit…Long Suffering

“Where is he?” I mumbled while drumming my fingers on the steering wheel. It had been two hours since I had contacted my dealer. Now I had been sitting in my car at the agreed shopping center parking lot for over an hour.
We had been partying for two days and had already gone thru one ‘8 ball’ of speed. As I sat every nerve in my body seemed to be on edge. Grabbing the pint of vodka from under my seat I took a long pull, I knew everyone would be back at our apartment waiting for me.

I leaned back in my seat but could not get comfortable. “This guy always keeps me waiting!” I said aloud, slamming my hands on the wheel. I had lost any patience I had left. Opening the door, I leapt out and began to pace.

Checking my watch at what seemed like every 10 seconds. I looked up to see a red Vette pulling into the lot. I followed the car with my eyes as he slowly circled, checking for any sign of the law. Finally, he pulled up next to me. Slowly rolling down his window, he said, “Johnny, Johnny you look a bit on edge, what’s the problem?” With that he flashed me a wide smile, loving the drama of it. I lost it as I said, “Hey man, I have been sitting here for over an hour. You were supposed to be here at seven! What’s YOUR problem?”

The smile slipped away from his face to be replaced by a grin normally only seen in horror films. As I looked into his cold eyes I could see what was coming. “I said around seven, John Boy! You need to learn to be more patient. In fact, I think it is time for a lesson in patience right now.” With that the window went up and his car sped away. I looked on in horror, “NO, NO… I didn’t mean it.” I screamed at the fading tail lights. He was gone.

Maybe this isn’t an example of lack of patience any of you can relate too. In fact, I hope it is not. But one thing is for sure we live in a world that demands immediate gratification and when it does not happen. Most of us lose it.

With every step of progress over the span of history we find that advanced communication has not taught us to be more patient and loving. But just the opposite. We have become a people who refuse to wait on anything, to suffer a moment of so called lost time.

But how does this fit into a life of a follower of Jesus Christ? Can we, as it says in Ephesians 4 verse 2, live, “with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love.” If we spend every moment expecting immediate fulfillment of our every wish, I can’t see how. But I do believe there is hope.

The apostle Paul claimed that ‘longsuffering’ is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. But longsuffering is not a term we use to often in our day-to-day conversations so I thought I would add a definition here, “having or showing patience despite troubles, especially those caused by other people.” And maybe that is what we need in our everyday life, but as most of us will admit we need help to do so. We truly need the Holy Spirit.

The apostle Paul also tells us that lacking longsuffering or patience is tied to the lack of reading Scripture that we might ‘find hope’. “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you liked-mindedness toward one another, according to Jesus Christ.” (Romans 15: 4-5) Many times I find these days when I am lacking patience, I know I haven’t filled myself with God’s Word as I should. And Jesus instructed us in the Lord’s Prayer that we needed to ask for our daily bread. I do not think that was only in reference to physical nourishment but spiritual also, prayer. Scripture and prayer daily cannot change the pace of the world around you but it can change the pace of the world within you. Spending time daily contemplating on what Jesus has done for us, I think can make a difference.

My favorite Christian writer, Ellen White, might have said it best, “It would be well for us to spend a thoughtful hour each day in contemplation of the life of Christ. We should take it point by point and let the imagination grasp each scene, especially the closing ones.

The only defense against evil is the indwelling of Christ in the heart through faith in His righteousness. Unless we become vitally connected with God, we can never resist the unhallowed effects of self-love, self-indulgence, and temptation to sin. We may leave off many bad habits, for the time we may part company with Satan; but without a vital connection with God, through the surrender of ourselves to Him moment by moment, we shall be overcome. Without a personal acquaintance with Christ, and a continual communion, we are at the mercy of the enemy, and shall do his bidding in the end.” (Last Day Events Pg. 64)

The indwelling of Christ through the Holy Spirit is our hope in all things but I feel especially in our need to be long suffering Christians. Because only Jesus can still that inner world and with it bring the patience we cannot.

Years ago, standing in that parking lot, filled with two days of drugs and booze, I had no hope of patience or any fruit of the Spirit. I cursed my dealer and then an hour later begged him to come back and give me what I needed. He did but with no patience or remorse only greedy joy over my suffering. Today, I want to fill myself with the only substances that will bring the patience I need to keep Jesus two great commandments, …Love the Lord my God with all my heart, and with all my soul and with all my mind…and Love my neighbor as myself… that is the God’s Word and Prayer. That is my ‘instant message’ to all this morning as we remember His long suffering toward you and me too, may we extend that to others even in the midst of troubles.

Blessings John