Jesus didn’t turn away, why do I?

My truck was broken down alongside a not so busy old highway. This was back in the years before cell phones. I had been on my way to Wendover, Nevada, we were building an addition to the Peppermill casino. Leaving my home in St George, Utah at 1:00 AM I would normally be onsite before the 7:00 start time. But not today unless a miracle happened.

I had been driving my old Toyota pickup at a pretty good clip when I heard a rattle. That was about 20 or so miles back. It made me nervous but all I could do is keep going and hope I would make it to Ely, Nevada, the next city of any size. At least if I could get there, I could call my partner to come pick me up. It didn’t happen. About 5 miles back the truck began to run rough and soon I couldn’t get it to move over 20 miles an hour. Then it just quit. I had looked under the hood, but it was too dark to really see what was happening. Where was a good flashlight when you needed one?

I looked at my watch, just about 3:00. I hadn’t seen another car or truck for hours it seemed. Sitting there in the cab, I was trying to decide if I should walk a way and see it there was a farm house close by. But the thought of knocking on someone’s door at this time of the morning scared me more than just sitting here. I really didn’t feel like being chased with a shotgun by some half-asleep farmer. So, there I sat.

Maybe another half hour went by, I think I had been dozing, when I saw a pair of headlights on the stretch of road behind me. Jumping on to the highway I decided I was going to stop whoever it was even if it killed me. As the headlights drew closer I could see it was a good size vehicle, maybe a semi or big rig. If they didn’t see me I was going to be squashed like a bug. Waving my arms and jumping up and down, I stayed in the middle of the road. The lights drew closer and closer. But I could not tell if they were slowing down.

The lights were so bright now I was squinting and lowered one arm to shield my eyes. I heard the sound of brakes squealing, the rig was slowing down. As it came to a stop only a few feet from me I heard a door open and slam shut. Still squinting into the light, I could see a big figure approaching and heard a woman’s voice say, “Are you crazy or something? I could have run you down as sure as you are standing there! What do you think you are doing?” The voice drew closer and I could now see it was a big woman wearing coveralls and she was not happy. I held my hands out in front of me and said, “Sorry, but I had to stop you. I am broken down here and hadn’t seen another vehicle for hours. I was worried if you didn’t stop I would be stranded here forever!” She was only a few feet from me now and I could see the scowl she had soften and even a hint of a smile. She said, “Well, young fella, this is your lucky day! It is a good thing I am an upright Christian woman. So, let’s see what we can do to get you back on the road!”

How many times have you come across someone stuck along the highway of life and because of your busy day went right past them without even slowing down. Maybe they are willing to risk it all to get your attention, but you still ignore them. I must say, I have done this more times then I would ever like to admit. Sometimes it is a broken-down car and I will see the driver on the phone. I think I should stop and ask if there is anything I could do. But I chicken out and drive by. More often it is someone who is in need, nothing as obvious as a broken-down vehicle but still in need of human concern. Again, I turn the other way.

I was thinking today as I did my devotionals, “What if Jesus would have turned away?” Here we are a world broken-down by sin. What if Jesus made the decision not to go to the cross? No substitution. No forgiveness. No gospel. No salvation. In other words, we would all be far more lost then I was on that desolate road, we would be lost for all eternity.

But thank God Jesus didn’t turn away. He came willingly and gave His life willingly, “No one take it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This is the charge I received from my Father.” (John10:18) How can we turn away from the needs of others when all our needs have been paid for? Something to think about.

On that early Monday morning long ago, a woman trucker stopped on a deserted highway and helped me on my way. She had a flashlight and a lot of know how. And while I stood holding that light she patched my gas line back together enough for me to make it to Wendover. I never really thanked her properly, but she asked God to bless me as she climbed back into her truck. I can only pray today that I will stop the next time I see someone in need and remember what my Savior did for me!

Blessings and Happy Sabbath, John

Author: John

Christian blogger