Where is your focus…

“Mr. Weston, I would guess.” He said as I walked through the large oaken doors. His office was lined with shelves and each of them was laden with books. If I didn’t know better I would have thought I was entering a lawyer’s office, but I did know the difference. This guy was a loan shark. I knew his businesses included book-making, pimping and drug dealing. My problem was I needed a loan and I needed it today, beggars can’t be choosy, so they say.

As I approached the desk I had my hand out, but he waved me off and pointed to a chair. Without any niceties got right to business, “Tommy tells me you need four grand and I am assuming if you are here, you ain’t got no collateral.” I thought to myself, “I guess you do not have to be an English major to be a loan shark!” But out loud, I said humbly, “That’s right, Mr. Williams. I do need four thousand dollars and your right no bank is willing to loan it to me.” He smiled looking more shark than human and said, “Tommy also tells me you are a businessman, you own a construction company of some kind. How does a businessman like yourself end up here?” With that he waved his hands around the room, as if to direct me to my circumstances. I sat wondering that myself.

Taking a deep breath, I told him, “It is a long story, but mostly companies we have worked for are holding my monthly payments and have been for a couple of months and I have a payroll to meet.” Hoping as I told him this that he would have sympathy with my concern for others. If he did there were no signs of it. Instead he said, “Yeah, I know, it’s a hard life and then you end up paying me. I guess I really don’t care why you need the dough. I just want you to understand my terms.” With that he began to explain his system of usury. I was pretty sure this was a dumb idea but just sat there nodding my head like the fool I was.

A half hour later, I was on the street and heading for the station wagon where my partner sat. I guess he read my face as I got into the car, “So, I guess you went for it. How much did you get off that guy and what is the vig? (short for vigorish, interest on the loan)” I laid it out and all he could do was shake his head and that is when I knew I was alone in this, he confirmed, “It sucks to be you!”

In debt, we have all been there. Maybe you have never borrowed money from a loan shark, I pray that is true. But I am sure you have or are in debt to the next best thing, a credit card or short-term loan company that takes their usury terms to the legal limits. I don’t think there is anything that can be more distressing and more mind consuming than to have this kind of thing hanging over your head.

Even as followers of Jesus we seem to be prone to spending money we do not have. Sometimes it is for legit reasons. We have our kid’s education. The furnace or air conditioner needs to be replaced. The car is 15 years old and it is either replace or repair. Everyday life expenses where borrowing money might be necessary. But what about those luxuries we are tempted by. Not just replacing the old junker but replacing it with that top of the line SUV that is not in the budget. Or maybe that boat just like the neighbor bought! Or that 72” big screen and home theater system. Can we as followers of Jesus legitimize debt of this kind? And what does God’s Word say?

For sure there are many verses in the book of Proverbs that warn about the consequences of borrowing such as, “The rich rules over the poor. And the borrower becomes the lender’s slave.” (Proverbs 22:7) And in the New Testament, “Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another, for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.” (Romans 8:13) God knows and we do once we are under the burden of owed money, we are at our best and most in the service of the Lord when we do not take on unnecessary debt.

But what I think it really comes down to is, where is our heart and in whom do we place our trust. Where is our focus, on things of this world or on life with Him in the next? Jesus put it this way, “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth. (Matthew 6:24) Having money or not having it is not the problem just where our focus is.

If our focus is in the right place we are assured that those everyday concerns including money are secure, “Do not worry then, saying, “What will we eat?” or “What will we wear for clothing?” “For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need these things. “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all other things will be added to you. (Matthew 6: 31-33). Jesus may not be talking about that monster SUV or that boat, but the Lord will provide, it we place what He has given us into His hands. He is the best banker and never charges interest!

Unfortunately, back then, I was in the hands of one who had no mercy, the loan shark took his pound of flesh and more. I eventually paid my debt, but it took just about everything I owned to get out from under. Today, I seek other riches and I thank God He provides for my needs. May we all find our focus on Him who provides and not the things of this world.

Blessings John,

Author: John

Christian blogger