A transformed life…

As I headed to the bathroom I looked at the clock in the hallway, 3:00 am. The floors were cold and even with the oil space heater blazing there was a chill in the house. Turning on the light I went to the sink to brush my teeth, thinking about the cold work day that was to come. Absent mindedly I turned on the water as I applied toothpaste to the brush. As I was still deep in sleepy thought, something struck me, there was no sound of running water. Looking at the faucet, barely a drip. Reaching for the hot water handle…. nothing. My heart sank, and my anger grew. Frozen pipes. Hitting the sink with my hand, I let out a stream of expletives. The third time in less than a month.

Heading back to the bedroom, my wife stirred angrily and asked, “Why are you making so much noise and swearing like a that? You are going to wake the baby!” I snarled at her and let loose another two or three expletives while saying, “The pipes are frozen again and I am sure neither you or the baby are going to crawl under the house at 3:30 in the morning to thaw them out. So, get off my back!” I could tell that she was hurt by my words and attitude, but I did not care. And while thrashing through the closet I heard the baby start to cry and thought. “Good now you can get up and take care of him. Why should I have all the fun.” I heard her say in a weepy voice, “Now look what you have done! I should just stay here in bed and let you get him back to sleep.” As my anger grew, I said in a sarcastic voice, “Yes dear, I will rock the baby and crawl under the house and shovel out the snow from the driveway and be at work by 6:00. Can I fix you breakfast while I am at it?” With that I walked past her and the baby, heading fur the mudroom to put on my coveralls and boots. I could hear her screaming and the baby howling behind me as I slammed the bedroom door. I mumbled a comparison of her and a female dog as my anger boiled hotter. And it was only Tuesday.

Have you ever had one of those days? You get out of bed and from that point nothing goes right. The example of a bad day I have just begun to describe happened many years ago. It sticks in my mind to this day because it ranks up there as one of the worst; and because looking back on it now, I am ashamed of how I handled the problems and the people who fell in my path.

So many times, we have days, weeks, months or maybe even years when life seems out of our control. And even if you are a Christian there is not immunity from these times. In fact, RuthAnn and I have been in this vortex for a few months now. With school starting and taking over leadership of the church’s Community Service, there have been few days where the stress levels have not gone off the chart. But there is a huge difference in how we as a couple who center their lives on Jesus handle these times from the couple who were at each other’s throats in the story above.

Yes, I am the same guy. I still get up at around 3:30 or so in the morning. And though I have never gone to the sink and found out I have frozen pipes. I now have to face problems that only old age and cancer can bring. I know some of the mornings when I haven’t slept, and I know the day is still going to demand my being at my best I feel that old anger welling up inside. I am tempted to lash out in frustration, but I do not. There is a difference, the truth is I am not the same guy. Even if some of my habits have stayed the same, my heart and mind have not. I have been transformed by Jesus Christ and His Word.

The Apostle Paul understood this transformation and in the book of Romans he expresses his desire for us to not only understand but to live it, “And so do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2) When I read this I see that my life is a constantly changing and growing entity as long as I am DAILY renewing my mind in prayer and in God’s Word. That is what makes me a different person today. Angry comes, yes! Frustration with my health limitations, oh yeah! Even pettiness in my relationship with RuthAnn, I am afraid so! But the man who turned frustration into anger and anger into pain for others no longer exists and that is the miracle of faith for me.

About that day. I said it was one of the worst. The reason I say this is later that day upon coming home from work. I found our oil space heater’s carburetor had stuck open and as I entered the bedroom the carpet was covered with oil. I did a stupid thing and opened the port door on the heater, a flame shot out and caught the rug on fire. My house burned not to the ground because the walls were left standing. I can praise God now, neither my wife and son were home at the time. So, no one was hurt. But we lost everything. At the time I cursed everything I could think to curse. But the house was rebuilt, and other days came and went. I see all God’s workings in every moment. I am humbled to know His love is that deep for this flawed man! I want now to wake each day thanking and serving Him. That is my transformation in action. How’s your day going?

Blessings John

Author: John

Christian blogger