Share Jesus

“I liked that movie!” my friend said as we left the old theater on the corner of Main and First Streets in the small town, I was now living in. I nodded my head in agreement but was distracted by a group of people across the street who were talking loudly. They seemed to be surrounding two men and from my vantage point it looked like they were duking it out.

I could not resist heading over to see what was happening, but my friend was tugging on my arm trying to lead me to Froggy’s Tavern, a bar and restaurant that we frequented. As much as I needed a cold beer, I was more drawn to the brawl.

My friend gave up his efforts to steer me and headed toward the bar, shaking his head in disbelieve. “Why would anyone want to bother with a small-time brawl in this little town, probably a couple of farmers arguing over a corn shucking contest.” Is what he said while walking away. Being a big city boy, he had little respect or love for small town USA. I on the other hand did have my big city roots also but had lived and worked in small towns for years. I knew fights on the main street in town were rare. Something out of the ordinary was happening.

As I crossed the street, I saw the only police car the town owned coming from the south up First, lights flashing and siren blaring. I was not the only one who was interested in this disturbance. I reached the crowd before the cops but could see some of the citizens did not want to be here when they arrived and the circle around the combatants shrunk enough for me to be within an arms distance of the action. To my amazement as I looked on, I saw one of the men was a guy who worked for me. I did not know him all that well but from everything I did know, he was even tempered and quiet. What the heck was Kevin Gridley doing throwing punches with what looked like a local? I did not have time to find out before the cops showed up.

A big burly cop broke the fight up, jumping between the two men. He had hands like catcher’s mitts and simply grabbed each by the shirts and held them an arm’s length apart. As he did his partner called for the crowd to disperse. I was about to do so when I heard Kevin yell, “John. John Weston is that you? Hey, man help me out here. I think I am going to need some bail money, do me a solid and come to the station.”

I turned to look at him, still being man-handled by the enormous cop, he looked so pathetic. I knew that my friend had been right, I should have minded my own business. If I had gone with him, I would be elbows deep in shots and beer by now. But instead, I had no choice, this guy was a brother Ironworker and a member of my crew, I needed to have his back.

I ended up going to the station where I was told Kevin would be booked and spend the night. If I wanted to bail him out, I should go see the bail bondsman over on Third and get a bail slip, then come back around 9:00 in the morning. I did as he told me and even called my boss to tell him what had happened and that I would not be into work until late.

In the morning I went through the hassle of getting is bail set and after appearing before the JOP, Kevin met me out in front of the station. I thought he would tell me the whole story, he owed me that at least. But all he would say is, “That man cursed my God!” I said with a bunch of frustration and misunderstanding, “What are you talking about? You work with guys, including me who curse all day long. Why was this guy so different?” Kevin stopped and as he did so did I, looking at me with blazing eyes he said, “You don’t get it. I was on the sidewalk passing out Bible tracks when this man came out the door and said, “If you don’t stop spreading those lies in front of my place, I am going to beat you, bad!” Then he took one of my tracks and spit on it and threw it in my face while cursing God’s name. I didn’t react more than to smile and try to say that God loved him anyway. That is when he threw a punch. I tried to walk away but…. Well…. I wish I could have.” I shook my head and said, “Man, why do you Christians do this stuff? Can’t you see the trouble it causes?” He spoke what I now know is a verse from the Bible, “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) That day I just shook my head and yelled over my shoulder, “Yeah well, be at work and earn the money you owe. Overcome that and leave Jesus at home!”

I did not understand Kevin back then. He seemed like some fanatic nut who spent all his days passing out syrupy sayings that I knew no one believed. But I now see how necessary it is for us to spread the Word of God in any way we can. Around us every day there is a world in need of salvation. Yes, there will be tribulation in spreading that Word, but think of the tribulation Christ suffered for you and suffered for me. Through the cross he truly has already overcome this world, all he asks us to do is, believe and once we do go out and share his good news! “… I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ. (Philemon 1:6) I want to accept and share Christ today no matter the consequences.

Kevin returned to passing out Bible tracks, he continued to work for me and paid me back every dime, with much gratitude and humility. Guys in my crew began calling him Saint, short for Saint Kevin. Even with all the ribbing he would seek me out at the end of the day and say, “Blessings and you are in my prayers!” Not a lot more and I would shrug and said to him once, “Pray I have enough money and luck to be the last man standing in the poker game tonight!” His return stuck with me, “I think it would be better if you were standing in the resurrection of the Righteous.” I laughed and scoffed at it back then, but now it is my prayer too, for me and for you!


Author: John

Christian blogger