Saved by the Power of the Holy Spirit…

“You are saved!” the TV preacher’s face filled the screen. Tears rolled down his cheeks and as the camera panned out others surrounding him were in a manic ecstasy also. He continued, “I am giving you the Holy Spirit, will you receive him today?” In the background all hands were raised, and the tears continued to flow. I shook my head in disgust and switched off the TV.

Dropping back down on the old couch, the dark enveloped me. I said into the empty room, “There is no Holy Spirit here and all the Amens and Halleluiahs in the world isn’t going to save anyone!” Looking at the glowing clock it was now 4:23 in the morning. Soon I would have to get myself together and be on the job. I found the bottle of whiskey I had avoided the night before. Looking at it in the dimness I knew the only spirit that would ever be in me was in this bottle, so I might as well drink my fill.

Two hours later I was ‘brassing’ through the gates of the Marble Hill Nuclear Power Plant near the border of Indiana and Kentucky on the Ohio River. The booze I had absorbed was now in full affect. I wasn’t staggering but I sure wasn’t ready to face a day working 50’ about the river on the containment building. As I entered the dry shack and dropped my gear, I intended to stay as far away from the bosses as possible. My boss Tommy was three tables over playing a game of sheep’s head with Little Mickie and Paul Johns. I needed something to sober me up fast.

As I sat contemplating, I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard a voice crackle with a southern drawl, “Johnny, Johnny, look here atch you, my son! Likely, youse under da weather today agin!” I looked up to see Terri LaMatt. Scrawny and old but tough as nails and always filled with the fire of his evangelical zeal. I raised my hands in a motion for him to lower his voice but instead he kept on going, “I have told you before, son, that there is only one way to beat the devil and that is to fill yourself with the Holy Spirit. Come on down to our church down yonder, near Bowling Green. Pastor Gene will fill you so full you will be saved and won’t be able to touch a drop of that stuff that be killin’ you.” Terri had talked so loud and long that now Tommy was looking my way. Great. The only saving I needed today, was my job. Terri’s eyes blazed and Tommy’s glowered. There was no salvation in my life!

I have made some terrible choices in my life! That is surely an understatement. I only say it because most of us have. For years I chose to fill my life and others with pain through the addictions that destroyed almost everything in their path. The strange thing is that I now see that even during those times, God was striving to find a way to save me. That morning even though I knew the TV preacher, who I watched because he seemed to be such a phony, for a moment was used by God to talk to me. Maybe you, don’t believe that. That is a choice you can make. But I remember how I felt. I was uncomfortable. The Holy Spirit had drawn near but I pushed him away.

It was no coincidence that same morning that Terri was the one who found me sitting alone trying to avoid everyone. Again, the Holy Spirit reached out, but I was not willing, and he wouldn’t work against my free will. But I can tell you so many other times in places where God should not be, I know now the Holy Spirit was there! He was offering me his saving power. And you know what? One day I said, “Yes, Lord I am willing!” I don’t think it was as verbal as that, but it was as real. Little by little I have been saved. Thank you, Jesus!

Over the last 6 nights I have joined in with my worldwide church in a season of prayer, it is called “10 days of Prayer”. This is an annual event that allows millions of us around the world to pray together and this year it has centered on the Holy Spirit. Each night a speaker has delivered reflective messages about how the Spirit is working in our lives. It has given me much time to reflect myself on how he keeps the promise God makes to us, “And the LORD, he [it is] that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)

The Holy Spirit never leaves you. He always goes before you, if you know it or not. He is with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you. Today, my friend, do not be afraid and do not feel lost. If the Holy Spirit can work for over 45 years to save this man, he can and will do it in your life right now. Just remember, “So, as the Holy Spirit says: “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts…” (Hebrews 3:7 part.) You just have to be willing, HE will doing the saving!





Author: John

Christian blogger