Crisis…faith to move forward

Here I am following the plan the Lord has laid out. And WHAM! One Crisis after another hits. Recently, as some of you know, we sold our safe and secure home in Georgia to buy a home in Cleburne Texas with our kids. It seemed like God’s leading doors opened when they had been completely closed. Lots of important stuff fell into place. Yes, the house was old, but we all have talent and could handle getting it into living shape for four adults, some cats, and a dog. Simple, right? Started out that way. But then things started to happen.

I mean, we were ready to replace all the floors. No problem. And we knew that the huge barn on the property had structural issues and so did the stone workshop. But nothing that could not be handled over time. So, by the end of May when RuthAnn and I headed to Wyoming to join in on the dinosaur dig we thought life was good and when we got home, we could follow the plans we had for the projects we knew needed handling and be ready to start our ministry work in our new church without much stress.

It hasn’t turn out that way. We no sooner returned after a month of tent living and lack of good facilities to find that out new home was going into major chaos. We had quirks with our sewer from the beginning but before we had headed off all was well. Reports from the kids said all was working smoothly. But on the day, we returned the system was fully blocked. How could this be? Why now? There were so many other things that needed to be done!

Again, we changed plans putting all efforts into solving the problem. But as one thing would seemed resolved another would crop up. Life in an old house, right? It is true but as the problems started to stack up, we found ourselves doubts God. The age-old question, why would God allow such bad things to happen to good people who are trying to follow His will and serve Him?

After all we had prayed about our move and we had seen the hand of God working yet as soon as it seemed that we should be in a place where we could do our best for Him, we were buried knee deep in blocked pipes, concrete slabs that were in our way and not enough manpower to handle all the issues. Along with a new addition to the house that was to start soon, a car port that needed to be demolished. Then there is the recovery ministry opening up a 14-week session in less than a month. Here we are in crisis mode, and I have to say my faith failed me again!

But do you know what I love about God, He is faithful when I am not. The other morning, I woke up with an absolutely troubled mind. RuthAnn was struggling too. We talked negatively about everything. Had we made a bad decision to move from our safe and comfortable home and life to this place so full of problems? How would we handle all of this? I was ready to pack it in for the umpteenth time since I swore, I would allow Jesus to have control of my life. But then I heard the still small voice, also for the umpteenth time,

“Be still and know that I am God…”

I knew the voice I remember that I had read it in the Psalms recently. But even as I heard it, I was still ready to fight. I was going to have to get work done that I did not want to do. Yes. I was going to have to trust that even if we had made mistakes in our choice of living, God had a plan.

God had a plan! Remember, just like He did when I was a fall down drunk. Remember, just like when I was told that advanced prostate cancer would only allow me two years to live. Remember, just like when He led me to the wonderful woman now, I share my life with. And remember when He saved me when I did not deserve such grace. God HAS a plan!

His words filled my mind again,

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

There it was for me to accept or reject. Had we made bad choices? Did it really matter? All I had to do today was move forward and trust. Put one foot in front of another knowing, not supposing that He will do and bring good out of our mess.

So, that is where I am today. We are still living in a mess. Each day is bringing its own challenges. But I have decided that I will follow the words of Joshua,

“… choose you this day whom you will serve; … but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” Joshua 24:15

It aint going to be easy but maybe that is the point. We aren’t promised easy just all the strength we need if we trust and obey!




Author: John

Christian blogger