The Worse That Could Happen..

What is the worse thing you can think of? I am sure for many this will conjure up scenes of horrible death or living with some unbearable disability. I have to admit as I sat thinking that both of those scenarios were predominant in my thoughts. Living with terminal cancer for so many years has led me to imagine my demise and death. I am not trying to be morbid here, it is just something that I have thought about. Mainly since my marriage to RuthAnn I have wondered how burdensome my last days would be for her, even though she has assured me that it would not be a burden.

So why am I up at 5:30 in the morning thinking such lowly thoughts. I mean, life is good! The temperatures in Texas have finally dropped below the triple digits, we actually had rain a few nights ago and more is predicted. I am sitting in the comforts of our home with air conditioning and plenty of food to eat. I have the love of my wife and the knowledge of a Savior who died for me. Why is it that my thoughts drift to the negative so often?

I have tried to analyze this for years now. One of the reasons I started writing this blog was to work out all the negativity of my so-called lost years. It was my thought that if I wrote out some of these terribly negative things that I either created or was involved in that I could regenerate myself as a positive thinker. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately it has not happened. Unfortunately, because I so often drift into negative thought which leads to negative actions. Fortunately, because I is a constant reminder of the man I once was and how much grace I have been shown. For me it is really a fine line in between the two.

The crazy thing about this fine line is how the Holy Spirit works in my life and that He never lets me settle into a really comfortable place. Just looking back on the last eight years it is amazing how unsettled my life has been. Back in 2015 I was a recent widower living in Grants Pass, Oregon. I had just begun to find my own relationship with Jesus. I had a comfortable home and a comfortable church. I was involved in ministries that I was sure that I was led to by the Holy Spirit. I had a comfortable if not likable job that afforded me to be generous in donation to many different causes and ministries. A year later it was all upturned.

I innocently began a conversation with a woman on Facebook. Within a short time, our lives became deeply intertwined. At the same time everything was in flux. So many things happened that I do not have the room to describe here. Suffice it to say by the end of that year RuthAnn and I were married. I moved to the state of Georgia and every comfortable thing I had was now replaced with having to experience a new life. This led to so many good things and yet it led to many negative feelings. I sometimes longed for the comforts of my life in Grants Pass but I knew God had a plan and RuthAnn and I would live it out together.

As I adjusted to this new life. New ministries and opportunities along with several disappointments happened. I finally began to write again after almost 45 years. I joined with a ministry I loved Celebrating Life in Recovery. I worked with RuthAnn at her school. Being among the kids was great! But also trials of having people believe things about me that were not true came with the good. Then Covid hit. RuthAnn retired and within a year we were moving again, this time to Texas.

In the midst of this my cancer activated enough to need attention beyond what I had done for 14 years. RuthAnn’s health also had issues which were not present just a few years before. Here we were in a new place (at least for me, RuthAnn had lived and worked in this area before) starting over. This time living with one of our kids, joined to a new really big church and struggling to find our way. It led to many soul-searching times like this morning.

Sitting in the quiet of our living room thinking of what’s next, my thoughts drift toward the negative. The ‘what ifs’, the ‘whys’ and the ‘how comes’ and even the ‘how long’. The blessing of all of this is that I know there was a time in my life that I would not be able to find any answers or if not answers at least assurances. But I am blessed and have been shown, even in all turmoil, grace as I have accepted the promises of God’s Word. Today as I have sat contemplating this favorite promise of mine has also been running through my mind:

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

This is what grace to me looks like that even through negative thoughts and morbid ones, I am assured of one thing, God know the beginning from the end. I believe He know me better than myself and knows that if I am uncomfortable, I will seek His will and instead of trying to follow my own. It is not always easy, but it is certainly truth. I will settle for that this morning and see what this day may bring. I pray you can do the same.

Camp Cretaceous Final Prayers and Thoughts 2022…

Photo by Daniel Tanksley

In a few days we will leave Camp Cretaceous for another year. I wrote this two mornings ago, once again as the sun was rising. I felt inspired to write this as a prayer instead of my normal testimony format. I pray that you will get the feeling of worship that I felt while writing it. So it is with awe and praise that I share this and thank you all for your forbearance with my thoughts.

“But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.”

Malacai 4:2

As another day begins here in the high plains, it brings to mind such verses as this one! You almost have to be here to understand. Our camp is set up in what is the winter grazing land for the cattle on this expansive and amazing ranch. The only thing that keeps me from seeing this place  as God created it is the few fence lines that run in the distance. As I sit here waiting for the sun to rise the grass is waving with a slight breeze and meadow larks are singing. In the distance the hills stand sentinel as if saluting the rise of the sun and a new day. As the sky begins to blaze with orange hues mixed with undertones of brown and white, far in the distance the sun is breaking over the horizon.

This is the beginning of our third week here at Camp Cretaceous. I cannot last week was an easy time, three or four different school groups joined us and at one point the camp swelled to near one hundred, but reflecting on it I see how the wonders of this place will stay with each of those young people and their leaders, it gives me an awesome feeling like sharing a present with a friend, but in this case it really was not mine or ours to give, it was a gift from the Creator.

That idea of Creator is so central to all that is done out here. No we are not here to proof he exists, this place alone does that as does as well as it is seen in all creation. It is just that as we seek to dig into the soil of past times and history, we can see that there is a plan, a real and tangible, touchable record of His work and relation with us, His sons, and daughters. I know others may see this completely different, but I can testify as one who still struggles sometimes to believe, that here in this place, I feel His presence. It truly is a gift; one I wish I could share with all of you. Maybe these verses will help explain my feelings:

“But ask the beasts, and they will teach you;
    the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you;
or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you;
    and the fish of the sea will declare to you.
Who among all these does not know
    that the hand of the Lord has done this?
In his hand is the life of every living thing
    and the breath of all mankind.

Job 12: 7-10

Now as the sun is risen, I can reflect on these verses from the book of Job. I can see it and feel it and in this I am renewed. Gone is the ideas of scorching heat of yesterday and weary sleeplessness in a not so comfortable bed. Gone are the pains and aches of all it takes to live in the middle of a cow pasture. All of it to be replaced by the refreshing breath of the morning breeze and the warming sun. I am sure today I will find more hardships as will most of us here, but each will find something also this day to renew them and to lead to them to see the Creator. I cannot ask for more and in this way, I can feel I am the most blessed person in midst of God’s green and beautiful pastures.

Wyoming Dino Dig 2022

It has been a while since I have written a blog. For the last few months, I have been concentrating on podcasts but due to wonderful circumstances I am unable to record. The circumstances being that we have returned to the high plains of Wyoming to join an amazing group of people in search of dinosaur bones. But that is just the surface not the substance. The truth is that these scientists, students, and lay workers are here for a much deeper reason. All are here to give glory to the Creator of all things and seek to open minds to the truth of the Word of God.

I know that sounds like a grandiose explanation but that it is the truth as I see it. In a world where most have been taught that there is only one way of looking at the earth and its past unknown history, a small group of scholars have made their life’s work to show that there is another way to ‘dig’ into the unknown and see patterns that show that the Bible is a reliable world view.

Many of you who have read my blogs know that for three-quarters of my life I was among those who thought that this ancient book was nothing more than a collection of stories, unbelievable and akin to fairy tales. I would have laughed at what I now write and would have thought of the author as a person who had been brain-washed to believe in these fairy tales instead of facing the cold hard facts of so called proven science. Well, I won’t get into the argument of science versus faith, but I can tell you that there is enough proof in the ground, in the sky, and in amazing life around us to convince even this once stoic non-believer that there is a Creator and His Word, the Bible is not only transforming but contains history that can be trusted.

Let me put it this way. At the time that I am writing this the sun is about to come up over the plains. I am surrounded by stark beauty so amazing that it is hard to describe, but here is my humble effort. As the sun rises the sky changes from a dark which displays billions of stars to an orange hue, a color you won’t find in even a 64-count box of crayons. The meadow larks are coming to life singing sweet songs to one another and joining in a concert that no human choir can match. The air is crisp and fresh with no city smog to block the sky or congest the nostril. The fields are now lit with green, brown, and floral beauty that thrill the heart. Soon the camp will be alive as another day is upon us. I would be fooling myself if I could sit in the midst of this amazing place and deny that there is a God who created all and continues to show us His wonders.

In so many of my writing I have spent time describing life of an addicted man who denied the existence of a Creator, even while miracles were happening all around me. I have written this to show that even the most harden man of the world can come to see that there is more to this place we call earth than the small life each of us live. I admit that it took more than a month in the beauty of nature to come to this realization. I had to, like many, take a leap of faith and accept God’s Word and believe in the saving power of Jesus Christ. Still once I have experienced the world in this peaceful way, I have come to see so much more beauty and so much less of the hatred and strive given by the self-absorbed life I once lived.

So today and for the next three weeks I will join with this small band of crazies, living in tents with barely enough modern facilities to keep the normal person sane. We will dig and record evidence that point toward a Creator and helps us and others to see that God’s Word is trustworthy. The ancient king David wrote it this way:

The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech; they use no words;
    no sound is heard from them.

 Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
    their words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.
     It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
    like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
It rises at one end of the heavens
    and makes its circuit to the other;
    nothing is deprived of its warmth.

Psalm 19: 1-6

I wish you could be here to enjoy this sunrise with me and see the glory of God as it is shown on the high plains of Wyoming, but maybe you can look out into your world and see the beauty you have been missing and praise the Creator. He is waiting for you!

Blessings, John
