The Fruit of the Spirit: Joy (Revisited)

Back in September of last year when I wrote a blog on ‘Joy’ as a Fruit of the Spirit, I shared a story about my drinking and drugging years. The gist of it was that myself and all the people I hung out with during those years could find what we called joy being stolen in a moment. We tried hard to find a source of it in substances, in sex or some other worldly pleasure. It never happened!

Yeah, I can honestly admit, there were moments of euphoria when in a drugged-out haze, I thought I had found some form of this Nirvana everyone was talking about, but it would disappear as the bag of speed ran out or as the high turned to the stone-cold light of day. There was never enough ‘stuff’ to keep joy in my heart.

So, let’s fast forward to today, to John the born-again Christ follower, have I found what I had been seeking in the life I am living today? Maybe I might surprise you by saying, ‘no’. The truth is the life I now live is full of as many twists and turns, sorrows and sadness as it had when I was trying to bury it all under an ocean of booze and a mountain of speed. The difference is now I don’t try to escape life, I live it and now with a hope I never had, and it is in this hope that I find a joy that never leaves me! It is because the source of that hope and joy is eternal, it is in Jesus Christ.

I think there is a problem when after coming to Jesus, being baptized, people find the world around them hasn’t changed, there are still trials and tribulations. A young girl in our church was recently baptized and it seems she had the expectation when she came up out of the water all things would be washed away her life would be different, the people around her would be changed but unfortunately for her and maybe me too that isn’t Jesus’ promise in the Gospel of John, “…in the world you will have tribulations.” But the change comes that brings the joy eternal in His next words. “But take heart, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) My joy springs from the promise of the cross, sin is overcome, and we can claim what we don’t deserve, life eternal!

The realization of this wasn’t any easier for me than it was for the young girl I just mentioned. I think my problem stemmed from the idea that I kept mixing up the state of happiness with the joy as given from the Holy Spirit. I read things like, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” (James 1: 2-3) Now I was being told that trials were to bring me joy, how could that be? Bible verses like this along with sermons and friends speaking along the same line gave me little hope I would ever understand this type of joy they were talking about. But the Holy Spirit wants us all to have His fruit and for me it was one verse from the Book of Hebrews that changed everything.

“Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2) When the Holy Spirit opened me to what the ‘joy that was set before him’ was I finally understood. That joy for Jesus it is me! It is you! His joy is our salvation, so much so He endured the cross, the shame! Just to allow me to have an opportunity to experience joy in a whole new way!

Once I got this, it changed everything. Sorrows came, trials too. But now I knew the truth, none of it could steal my joy. I could see that all things we endure, if we believe, only make us stronger. I had finally found what I had sought in so many ways and it had been there all along. Sometimes it makes me laugh out loud!

If you don’t have this joy in your life today, my suggestion to you is read the Book of Hebrews. It will only take you an hour maybe less. Savor the words of this amazing book. And I can guarantee if you really are wanting joy in your life Jesus as presented there will change your heart. Read and trust in these words of Jesus, “So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.” (John 16:22) It is a sure thing!

Blessings and Joyous Sabbath,

Author: John

Christian blogger